




I read all over the place about how Spring encourages you to use interfaces in your code. I don't see it. There is no notion of interface in your spring xml configuration. What part of Spring actually encourages you to use interfaces (other than the docs)?

+2  A: 

You may probably want to try using it for yourself to be better able to see this, it may not be clear from the docs how Spring encourages interface use.

Here are a couple of examples:

  1. Say you're writing a class that needs to read from a resource (e.g., file) that may be referenced in several ways (e.g., in classpath, absolute file path, as a URL etc). You'd want to define a org.springframework.core.io.Resource (interface) property on your class. Then in your Spring configuration file, you simply select the actual implementation class (e.g., org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource, org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource, org.springframework.core.io.UrlResource etc). Spring is basically functioning as an extremely generic factory.

  2. If you want to take advantage of Spring's AOP integration (for adding transaction interceptors for instance), you'll pretty much need to define interfaces. You define the interception points in your Spring configuration file, and Spring generates a proxy for you, based on your interface.

These are examples I personally have experience with. I'm sure there are much more out there.

Jack Leow
+9  A: 

The Dependency Inversion Principle explains this well. In particular, figure 4.

A. High level modules should not depend on low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.

B. Abstraction should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

Translating the examples from the link above into java:

public class Copy {
    private Keyboard keyboard = new Keyboard(); // concrete dependency
    private Printer printer = new Printer();    // concrete dependency
    public void copy() {
        for (int c = keyboard.read(); c != KeyBoard.EOF) {

Now with dependency inversion:

public class Copy {
     private Reader reader; // any dependency satisfying the reader interface will work
     private Writer writer; // any dependency satisfying the writer interface will work
     public void copy() {
        for (int c = reader.read(); c != Reader.EOF) {
     public Copy(Reader reader, Writer writer) {
         this.reader = reader;
         this.writer = writer;

Now Copy supports more than just copying from a keyboard to a printer.

It is capable of copying from any Reader to any Writer without requiring any modifications to its code.

And now with Spring:

<bean id="copy" class="Copy">
    <constructor-arg ref="reader" />
    <constructor-arg ref="writer" />

<bean id="reader" class="KeyboardReader" />
<bean id="writer" class="PrinterWriter" />

or perhaps:

<bean id="reader" class="RemoteDeviceReader" />
<bean id="writer" class="DatabaseWriter" />

Hope this helps.

+9  A: 

When you define an interface for your classes, it helps with dependency injection. Your Spring configuration files don't have anything about interfaces in them themselves -- you just put in the name of the class.

But if you want to inject another class that offers "equivalent" functionality, using an interface really helps.

For example, saying you've got a class that analyzes a website's content, and you're injecting it with Spring. If the classes you're injecting it into know what the actual class is, then in order to change it out you'll have to change a whole lot of code to use a different concrete class. But if you created an "Analyzer" interface, you could just as easily inject your original "DefaultAnalyzer" as you could a mocked up "DummyAnalyzer" or even another one that does essentially the same thing, like a "PageByPageAnalyzer" or anything else. In order to use one of those, you just have to change the classname you're injecting in your Spring config files, rather than go through your code changing classes around.

It took me about a project and a half before I really started to see the usefulness. Like most things (in enterprise languages) that end up being useful, it seems like a pointless addition of work at first, until your project starts to grow and then you discover how much time you saved by doing a little bit more work up front.

Sean Schulte
+1  A: 

Most of the answers here are some form of "You can easily swap out implementations", but what I think they fail to answer is the why? part. To that I think the answer is almost definitively testability. Regardless of whether or not you use Spring or any other IOC framework, using Dependency Injection makes your code easier to test. In the case of say a writer rather than a PrinterWriter, you can Mock the Writer interface in a Unit test, and ensure that your code is calling it the way you expect it to. If you depend directly on the class implementation, your only option is to walk to the printer and check it, which isn't very automated. Furthermore, if you depend upon the result of a call to a class, not being able to Mock it may prevent you from being able to reach all code paths in your test, thus reducing their quality (potentially) Simply put, you should decouple Object graph creation from application logic. Doing so makes your code easier to test.


Spring won't force you to use interfaces anywhere, it's just good practice. If you have a bean that has a some properties that are interfaces instead of concrete classes, then you can simply switch out some objects with mockups that implement the same interface, which is useful for certain test cases.

If you use for example the Hibernate support clases, you can define an interface for your DAO, then implement it separately; the advantage of having the interface is that you will be able to configure it using the Spring interceptors, which will allow you to simplify your code; you won't have to write any code cathing HibernateExceptions and closing the session in a finally segment, and you won't have to define any transactions programmatically either, you just configure all that stuff declaratively with Spring.

When you're writing quick and dirty apps, you can implement some simple DAO using JDBC or some simple framework which you won't end up using in the final version; you will be able to easily switch those components out if they implement some common interfaces.


it's easy to generate proxies from interfaces.

if you look at any spring app, you'll see service and persistence interfaces. making that the spring idiom certainly does encourage the use of interfaces. it doesn't get any more explicit than that.
