




I want to split the /n from my string in Java. For example, I have one String field which has 2 lines space ( /n). I have to find out lines ( wherever mopre than one lines is coming) and should replace with one line spaces.

"This is Test Message  


From the above example, there are more spaces between "This is Test Message" and "thanks". So i want to reduce as only one line instead of 2 lines.How to do that?

+3  A: 
str.replaceAll("(\\r\\n?|\\n){3,}", "$1$1");

What this does is replace three or more line terminators (\r, \n or \r\n) with two line terminators so any double blank lines are replaced with a single blank line, if I understand what you want correctly.

Thanks for your reponse i will try and let u know
Gnaniyar Zubair
I like the use of the references and explicit quantifier. However this won't work correctly if intermediate lines are blank-but-not-empty.
@pst True, but no clear definition of "empty" was given. Allowing for lines with white space on them is easily added by putting `\s*` in there.
+1  A: 

I don't know how to use regex, but you can use a StringTokenizer:

String reduceToOneLine(String input){
    // Note that this means both \r and \n are tokens, not that they have to appear together.
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input, "\r\n"); 
    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
    return output.toString();

This splits the string on line breaks, then adds each line to a new string (the tokenizer treats multiples of its delimiter as one, so you'll be left with just one line break between lines).

Brendan Long
Thanks for your reponse i will try and let u know
Gnaniyar Zubair
As I understand it, the OP wants to reduce two or more consecutive blank lines to one. This just gets rid of *all* line breaks.
Alan Moore