



Hi guys,

I have suppose say 'X' check-boxes(any input elements) in a Form and "M" option selection indexes ("M" less than equal to "X"). then how do i select the "M" option indexes/values and deselect the rest of check-boxes optimally?

i.e.Suppose I have 10 Checkboxes and 5 Option Indices(eg: 1,2,4,5,8) then i have to select checkboxes with given index .

I could come up with the following code:


     <div id="Options">     
        <input id="choice_1"  type="checkbox" name="choice_1" value="Option1"><label for="choice_1">Option1</label>
        <input id="choice_2"  type="checkbox" name="choice_2" value="Option2"><label for="choice_2">Option2</label>
        <input id="choice_3"  type="checkbox" name="choice_3" value="Option3"><label for="choice_3">Option3</label>    

    ..till choice_10


    IN JS:

   //Have to select checkboxes with "Value" in choicesToSelect and give a selection   
  //effect to its label
    var choicesToSelect={"Option1","Option9","Option3","Option4","Option2"};

    function selectHighlightCheckBoxes(choices){
                                choices, function(intIndex, objValue) {

//select based on id or value or some criteria
                                    var option = $("#Options :input[value=" + objValue + "]") ;                       
                                    if ($(option).is("input[type='radio']") || $(option).is("input[type='checkbox']")) {
                                        $(option).attr('checked', true);
                                        $(option).next('label:first').css({ 'border': '1px solid #FF0000', 'background-color': '#BEF781', 'font-weight': 'bolder' });
                                    } else if ($(option).is("input[type='text']")) {
                                        $(option).css({ 'border': '1px solid #FF0000', 'background-color': '#BEF781', 'font-weight': 'bolder' });
                                    } else {


But i want to also add effect to the rest (not in choicesToSelect array) also. (may be red color to those not in choiceToSelect) Can this be done in the one traversal/loop? Optimally? or Better way?

+1  A: 

You can trim your code down to this, a bit faster:

var choicesToSelect = ["Option1","Option9","Option3","Option4","Option2"];

function selectHighlightCheckBoxes(choices){
  $("#Options :input, label").removeAttr('checked').css({'border':'none', 'background-color':'none', 'font-weight':'normal'});
  $.each(choices, function(intIndex, objValue) {
    var option = $("#Options :input[value=" + objValue + "]"), toStyle = null;
    if (":radio, :checkbox")) {
        toStyle = option.attr('checked', true).next('label');
    } else if ($(option).is(":text")) {
        toStyle = option;
    toStyle.css({ 'border': '1px solid #FF0000', 'background-color': '#BEF781', 'font-weight': 'bolder' });

On the first line of the function, it unchecks and removes whatever styling you're applying. Add anything you want the "off" elements to have as well.

On the toStyle line at the end, I consolidated your CSS to be defined in one spot. In that .css() call you can set what you want the "on" elements to be, and change or remove styling that the "off" elements have. Here's a page you can play with to see it working :)

Nick Craver
thx.. but how to add effects/css to the items that are not selected?eg: choicesToSelect in 'green' and those items not present("Off" elements) in choicesToSelect to 'red'?
@Amitd - Do this in the top css, it applies to **all** the elements, then the loop goes over the selected ones. In the `toStyle.css()` portion reverse or remove any styling applied to everything that you don't want on the selected ones, make sense?
Nick Craver
@Nick: added this line before calling "selectHighlightCheckBoxes" :$("#Options :input, label").removeAttr('checked').css({'border':'none', 'background-color':'red', 'font-weight':'normal'});correct?
@Amitd - that works too, or it can be the first line in the method like I have it, but either case works, just run it before the loop.
Nick Craver
@Nick: but if i had to give show/hide animations? then it will hide the all the options and then again make them visible?
@Amitd - I would `.hide()` chained to the `.css()` up top, hiding everything, and then `.fadeIn()` chained to the `toStyle.css()` to give a nice effect :)
Nick Craver
@Nick:Strange the code/link doesn't seem to work on IE8?? JS error for 'background-color' :'none' CSS ..