



Hey there!

I have very long integer sequences that look like this (arbitrary length!):


Now I need some algorithm to convert this string into something compressed like


Which means "a 9 times, then b 3 times, then a 3 times" and so on, where "a" stands for 0, "b" for 1, "c" for 2 and "d" for 3.

How would you do that? So far nothing suitable came to my mind, and I had no luck with google because I didn't really know what to search for. What is this kind of encoding / compression called?

PS: I am going to do the encoding with PHP, and the decoding in JavaScript.

Edit: Thank you all!

I ended up with this function for encoding:

protected function numStringToRle($s){          
        $rle    = '';
        $count = 1;
        $len    = strlen($s);
        for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){
            if($i != $len && isset($s[$i+1]) && $s[$i] == $s[$i+1]){
            } else {
                $rle .= chr($s[$i] + 97).( $count == 1 ? '' : $count);                                
                $count = 1;
        return $rle;            

And that for decoding:

var decodeCoords = function(str) {

   str = str.replace(/(.)(\d+)/g, function(_, x, n) {
       return new Array(parseInt(n, 10) + 1).join(x);

   return str.
     replace(/a/g, '0').
     replace(/b/g, '1').
     replace(/c/g, '2').
     replace(/d/g, '3');     
+5  A: 

It is called Run Length Encoding

Basic encoder in PHP:

function numStringToRle($s){
    $rle = '';
    $count = 1;
    $len = strlen($s);
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){
        if ( $i != $len && $s[$i] == $s[$i+1] ){
          $rle .= chr($s[$i] + 97).$count;    
          $count = 1;
    return $rle;

Be warned it will preform badly issues with a string like


If you were going to be handling a string that may have a lot of individual single characters you would be better to add some complexity and not write the length of the run if the length of the run is 1.

$rle .= chr($s[$i] + 97).$count;    

$rle .= chr($s[$i] + 97).( $count == 1 ? '' : $count );   

$rle .= chr($s[$i] + 97)
if ( $count != 1 ){
    $rle .= $count;
Works like a charm, thx!
+1  A: 

Here is a naive implementation of what you want.

$toEncode = '0000000001110002220033333';
$currentChar = '-1';
$length = strlen($toEncode);
$encoded = '';
$currentNbrChar = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
  if($toEncode[$i] != $currentChar){
    if($currentChar != '-1'){
      $encoded .= chr(97 + $currentChar).$currentNbrChar;
    $currentNbrChar = 0;
    $currentChar = $toEncode[$i];
  $currentNbrChar ++;
if($currentChar != '-1'){
  $encoded .= chr(97 + $currentChar).$currentNbrChar;
echo $encoded;
Thanks! This works perfectly.
+2  A: 

Here's a shorter version:

function smush(str) {
  return str.replace(/((.)\2*)/g, function(_, w, x) {
    return x + w.length;

edit oh I see you want to encode with php; sorry I don't know that. Here's a decoder in a similar spirit:

function unsmush(str) {
  return str.replace(/(.)(\d+)/g, function(_, x, n) {
    return new Array(parseInt(n, 10) + 1).join(x);

Just FYI, you could probably gzip your data and the browse will automatically unzip it. For most implementations this is going to work better than RLE. But less fun obviously.

James Westgate


//$c will count the number of occurances.






for($i=1; $i<=$loopEnd+1;$i++)


    $char=chr((int)$lastInt + 97);


// we use if condition since for loop will not take the last integer if it repeats.

if($c>1) {

$char=chr((int)$lastInt + 97);



echo $resultStr;
