



I'm am using JEditorPane to render basic HTML. But it renders self-closing tags incorrectly, specifically br tags, e.g. <br /> is bad but <br> is good. I would like to use String.replaceAll(regex, "<br>") to fix the HTML, where regex is a regular expression matching any self-closing br tag with case-insensitivity and zero to infinity number of spaces between the "r" and the "/" (e.g., <br/>, <BR/>, <br />, <Br     />, etc.).

Thanks to any regular expression experts who can solve this!

+2  A: 

You can use the regex:

  • < : To match a literal <
  • [bB] : A char class that matches either b or B
  • [rR] : A char class that matches either r or R
  • \s : Any one white space
  • \s* : zero or more white spaces.

If you want to allow only a space for a white space you can use:

<[bB][rR] */>
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply and explanation! I will test it now and mark as answered if it works!
Stephen Swensen
Works like a charm!
Stephen Swensen