Say I have a model Taggable has_many tags, how may I find all taggables by their associated tag's taggable_id field?
Taggable.find(:all, :joins => :tags, :conditions => {:tags => {:taggable_id => [1,2,3]}})
results in this:
SELECT `taggables`.* FROM `taggables` INNER JOIN `tags` ON tags.taggable_id = taggables.id WHERE (`tag`.`taggable_id` IN (1,2,3))
The syntax is incredible but does not fit my needs in that the resulting sql returns any taggable that has any, some or all of the tags.
How can I find taggables with related tags of field taggable_id valued 1, 2 and 3?
Thanks for any advice. :)
I have found a solution which I'll post for others, should they end up here. Also though for the attention of others whose suggestions for improvement I'd happily receive. :)
Taggable.find(:all, :joins => :tags, :select => "taggables.*, tags.count tag_count", :conditions => {:tags => {:taggable_id => array_of_tag_ids}}, :group => "taggables.id having tag_count = #{array_of_tag_ids.count}"))