Is it possible to use a back reference to specify the number of replications in a regular expression?
foo= 'ADCKAL+2AG.+2AG.+2AG.+2AGGG+.G+3AGGa.'
The substrings that start with '+[0-9]' followed by '[A-z]{n}.' need to be replaced with simply '+' where the variable n is the digit from earlier in the substring. Can that n be back referenced? For example (doesn't work) '+([0-9])[A-z]{/1}.' is the pattern I want replaced with "+" (that last dot can be any character and represents a quality score) so that foo should come out to ADCKAL+++G.G+.
import re
foo = 'ADCKAL+2AG.+2AG.+2AG.+2AGGG+.+G+3AGGa.'
indelpatt = re.compile('\+([0-9])')
new_regex = '\+%s[ACGTNacgtn]{%s}.' % (indelsize,indelsize)
foo = newpatt.sub("+", foo)
I'm probably missing an easier way to parse the string.