What should know the Entry Level, Mid-level, Senior Developer? Theoretical knowledge, development tools, gems and more. What issues are usually at the interview?
- Analyse and profile an application for performance and memory issues
- Analyses and profile an application for security issues
- Understand database modeling and query analysis
- Tune a production deployment (Passenger, Thin, Apache etc)
- Understand and use Ruby metaprogramming
- Mentoring skills
- Communication skills
- Planning and Estimation
- Setup and deploy a Rails App for production
- Understand the Rails stack - callbacks, filters, plugins, engines, gems, rack
- Understand and use Active Record associations
- Understand and use scopes to define model abstractions
- Define tests using Cucumber and rSpec
- Understand and use Object Orientation
- Understand and use Design Patterns (explain what they are, know some basic patterns)
Entry Level
- Create and setup a Rails environment
- Use generators to create models, controllers and migrations
- Create and use a migration to manage the database
- Create a unit test using rspec/etc
- Create a model and basic validations
- Handle a GET request using a Controller, Model, and View
- Handle a POST request using a Controller, Model, and View
- Basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Basic GIT - clone, commit, push
Toby Hede
2010-04-03 00:34:12
This is a very good list, I would add model validation to the Entry Level or Mid-Level sections. I've found that writing validations first when creating a resource helps you think critically about your application and its data early in the development process.
Patrick Klingemann
2010-04-03 02:24:30
Good call, added validations.
Toby Hede
2010-04-03 09:56:39
Understand ruby blocks and iterators for traversing and manipulating datasets.
2010-04-03 18:52:59