Hi, I want using GPS data (I got it from $GPRMC) in an desktop application(that uses from mappoint 2009). I get the latitude & longitude, but when I check these points on map, I see the result is incorrect (for example My Data is: 43.412 N, 79.369 W ; but the correct point is: 43.686 N, 79.616 W ). I guess, I must use a correction method before use; I try "Projection method" like "Miller" or "Mercator", but those aren't effective. Can anyone guide me?
Are you using the same coordinate systems? E.g. WGS-84 or something else?
2010-04-03 14:28:44
Can you explain, I don't know what you say.
2010-04-04 05:38:29
If your GPS returns coordinates in a datum (say, WGS-84) that is different from what is used on your map, results will be wrong.
2010-04-04 08:49:36
tanx, my problem solved with your guidance.
2010-04-04 08:54:34