How do I calculate distance between two gps coordinates (lang,long)
I guess you want it along the curvature of the earth. Your two points and the center of the earth are on a plane. The center of the earth is the center of a circle on that plane and the two points are (roughly) on the perimeter of that circle. From that you can calculate the distance by finding out what the angle from one point to the other is.
If the points are not the same heights, or if you need to take into account that the earth is not a perfect sphere it gets a little more difficult.
Calculate the distance between two coordinates by latitude and longitude, including a Javascript implementation.
W and S locations and negative. Remember minutes and seconds are out of 60 so 31 30'S is -31.50 degrees.
Don't forget to convert degrees to radians. Many languages have this function. Or its a simply calculation:
radians = degrees * PI / 180
This Lua code is adapted from stuff found on Wikipedia and in Robert Lipe's GPSbabel tool:
local EARTH_RAD = 6378137.0
-- earth's radius in meters (official geoid datum, not 20,000km / pi)
local radmiles = EARTH_RAD*100.0/2.54/12.0/5280.0;
-- earth's radius in miles
local multipliers = {
radians = 1, miles = radmiles, mi = radmiles, feet = radmiles * 5280,
meters = EARTH_RAD, m = EARTH_RAD, km = EARTH_RAD / 1000,
degrees = 360 / (2 * math.pi), min = 60 * 360 / (2 * math.pi)
function gcdist(pt1, pt2, units) -- return distance in radians or given units
--- this formula works best for points close together or antipodal
--- rounding error strikes when distance is one-quarter Earth's circumference
--- (ref: wikipedia Great-circle distance)
if not pt1.radians then pt1 = rad(pt1) end
if not pt2.radians then pt2 = rad(pt2) end
local sdlat = sin(( - / 2.0);
local sdlon = sin((pt1.lon - pt2.lon) / 2.0);
local res = sqrt(sdlat * sdlat + cos( * cos( * sdlon * sdlon);
res = res > 1 and 1 or res < -1 and -1 or res
res = 2 * asin(res);
if units then return res * assert(multipliers[units])
else return res
It depends on how accurate you need it to be, if you need pinpoint accuracy, is best to look at an algorithm with uses an ellipsoid, rather than a sphere, such as Vincenty's algorithm, which is accurate to the mm.
This page explains it very clearly.
This is very easy to do with geography type in SQL Server 2008.
SELECT geography::Point(lat1, lon1, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(lat2, lon2, 4326))
-- computes distance in meters using eliptical model, accurate to the mm
4326 is SRID for WGS84 elipsoidal Earth model
Look for haversine with Google; here is my solution:
#include <math.h>
#include "haversine.h"
#define d2r (M_PI / 180.0)
//calculate haversine distance for linear distance
double haversine_km(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2)
double dlong = (long2 - long1) * d2r;
double dlat = (lat2 - lat1) * d2r;
double a = pow(sin(dlat/2.0), 2) + cos(lat1*d2r) * cos(lat2*d2r) * pow(sin(dlong/2.0), 2);
double c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
double d = 6367 * c;
return d;
double haversine_mi(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2)
double dlong = (long2 - long1) * d2r;
double dlat = (lat2 - lat1) * d2r;
double a = pow(sin(dlat/2.0), 2) + cos(lat1*d2r) * cos(lat2*d2r) * pow(sin(dlong/2.0), 2);
double c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
double d = 3956 * c;
return d;
Here it is in C# (lat and long in radians):
double CalculateGreatCircleDistance(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2, double radius)
return radius * Math.Acos(
Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2)
+ Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(long2 - long1));
If your lat and long are in degrees then divide by 180/PI to convert to radians.