Hello. I'm having trouble getting my list to return in my code. Instead of returning the list, it keeps returning None, but if I replace the return with print in the elif statement, it prints the list just fine. How can I repair this?
def makeChange2(amount, coinDenomination, listofcoins = None):
#makes a list of coins from an amount given by using a greedy algorithm
#reverse the list to make the largest position 0 at all times
#assigns list
if listofcoins is None:
listofcoins = []
if amount >= coinDenomination[0]:
listofcoins = listofcoins + [coinDenomination[0]]
makeChange2((amount - coinDenomination[0]), coinDenomination, listofcoins)
elif amount == 0:
return listofcoins
makeChange2(amount, coinDenomination[1:], listofcoins)