



Is there a smart and space-efficient symmetric matrix in numpy which automatically (and transparently) fills the position at [j][i] when [i][j] is written to?

a = numpy.symmetric((3, 3))
a[0][1] = 1
a[1][0] == a[0][1]
# True
print a
# [[0 1 0], [1 0 0], [0 0 0]]

assert numpy.all(a == a.T) # for any symmetric matrix

An automatic Hermitian would also be nice, although I won’t need that at the time of writing.

+8  A: 

If you can afford to symmetrize the matrix just before doing calculations, the following should be reasonably fast:

def symmetrize(a):
    return a + a.T - numpy.diag(a.diagonal())

This works under reasonable assumptions (such as not doing both a[0, 1] = 42 and the contradictory a[1, 0] = 123 before running symmetrize).

If you really need a transparent symmetrization, you might consider subclassing numpy.ndarray and simply redefining __setitem__:

class SymNDArray(numpy.ndarray):
    def __setitem__(self, (i, j), value):
        numpy.ndarray.__setitem__(self, (i, j), value)
        numpy.ndarray.__setitem__(self, (j, i), value)

def symarray(input_array):
    "Returns a symmetrized version of input_array; further assignments to the array are automatically symmetrized."
    return symmetrize(numpy.array(input_array)).view(SymNDArray)

# Example:
a = symarray(numpy.zeros((3, 3)))
a[0, 1] = 42
print a  # a[1, 0] == 42 too!

(or the equivalent with matrices instead of arrays, depending on your needs). This approach even handles more complicated assignments, like a[:, 1] = -1, which correctly sets a[1, :] elements.