



As a software developer (leaving junior position, now taking mid-level), how important are Microsoft Excel skills?

I ask as I have done this extensively in one job but is it reall a skill that will help in future jobs? Also, is this sort of skill of knowing how to present information to high up management really useful in software development?


+4  A: 

This question is fairly specific to the industry in which you're working. They're nearly useless if you're developing (most) web apps, OS kernels, machine learning algorithms or games. They're nearly indispensable if you're developing Excel-based workflows for the accounting department or some such. Consider what sort of work you want to be doing, or are likely to be required to do at your new job.

Actually I do web apps (.NET/C#/ASP.NET/SQL Server). I mean is this a communication skill that is at all useful as a developer. In previous jobs I never touched Excel, in my current job, however, I am. Another way of putting it, as a senior developer/team leader, would these sort of skills be useful?
It still depends on how much you're likely to be using Excel. I'm operating under the assumption that you have basic spreadsheet-literacy. Beyond that, the utility of advanced Excel skills will vary based on if and how your company uses Excel. It's a bit like asking "Should I learn F#?". Do you anticipate needing to know it? Does it interest you? This question is too specific to your situation for us to give you a (useful) general answer.
Well, I have a fair amount of batch file and PowerShell knowledge and put those to use in automating some build stuff in my internship. I think however unlikely that you need something, you'll find a way to apply it.
@Johannes Rössel - If a developer asked "How important is it that I be familiar with the scripting tools available on the OS I use for development?", I would give a very different answer.

Knowing office suites are good skills to have. Knowing excel is as important as knowing word (you do write documentation, right? right?).

In many businesses you will end up migrating to/from excel, writing applications that export to excel and in general figure out the macro-filled worksheets that came from finance/hr/other department.

So, yes it is important when working in a business that is using MS Office.

Who writes documentation in Word...
Matti Virkkunen
@Matti Virkkunen - Everyone who works at MS?
@Matti: I do. Non-Javadoc/Doxygen/XML source doc stuff, at least. It's lacking a bit syntax highlighting but that can be overcome easily. Apart from that I don't have problems with it.
@Oded @Johannes Rossel Isn't a wiki far superior to just text for specs etc. And Javadoc (and others) for documenting the codebase, because it is more connected to what it documents (easier to find the right section and change it).
@NomeN - wikis are great, for fellow programmers on your team and for information exchange within the team. Not really suitable when you need to get a printed manual out there to go with the product.
@Nome: Also Javadoc/similar methods aren't a very good documentation of a system as a whole. Those are for documenting what classes and methods do but try understanding a system from the class/method documentation alone and you'll notice that there are other things that need to be written too :-)
@Oded @Johannes Rössel: Each documenting system has its merits and failures of course. The only thing I would consider Word for is a manual as Oded pointed out, but then I still would choose LaTeX because it looks far more professional. So I'd use: JavaDoc + wiki + LaTeX.
Non-programmers write docs in Word. For a programmer, I would wonder why they weren't using their editor. One thing I hear pretty consistently is to learn your editor really well and use it for everything you can, and all the good programmers I work with are *far* more productive at editing text in their text editor than in Word.
@Ken - A programmer uses the best tool for the job. A code editor does not support print styles.
Oded: What's a "code editor"? Is that like a feature-poor text editor?
@Ken code editor: vim, emacs, eclipse (the editor part). text editor: notepad, word.
+1  A: 

Wouldn't you consider editing a spreadsheet a pretty basic computer skill? I would view this as mutually exclusive from your actual software development skills.

To put this another way, if a company was interviewing someone for a "senior developer" position and didn't offer the position to an otherwise excellent candidate because he/she wasn't very "good" with Excel, I would conclude that this company was insane.

edit: let me put this a second way. When interviewing for software development jobs, I've never had an employer ask me how well I know Excel. When interviewing candidates for software development jobs, I've never asked or cared how well they know Excel.

matt b
don't you mean "..wouldn't view.." in your 2nd sentence?
No. I think that someone could be a very strong developer without knowing how to use a specific tool such as Excel. You can easily learn the latter (how hard is it to edit a spreadsheet?), whereas the former is something you arrive at with lots of experience.
matt b
That's what I thought. I also actually mean the skill of presenting information eg to avoid information overload (should edit post).
Excel is a programming language of sorts itself, which non-programmers in many businesses use to create programs of sorts. When those become too complex for non-programmers to maintain, programmers are often asked to replace them with "real" programs. If that is likely to be part of your job, you probably need advanced skills with Excel. If not, you probably don't.
@Zak is this question about writing macros for Excel or just knowing how to use basic parts of Excel? The author has not specified. If it's the former than this is a very different sort of question: I think the answer to "How well should I know Excel macros to get a job where I need to write Excel macros?" is obvious.
matt b
This is to do with knowing parts of Excel (Eg filters, the icons you can add based on formulae, etc).
@ matt b - he seems to be asking if understanding spreadsheets is a basic communication skill in the corporate world. I'm assuming a junior developer can figure out what's going on when someone uses a formula to sum a column. The utility of understanding beyond that varies.
@matt b, I still cannot parse your first paragraph... But I do understand and agree with the rest so +1!
@NomeN, what I meant to answer the original question wtih a "Not important at all". IMO skills with Excel are separate and unrelated from development skills.
matt b
+1  A: 

Unless you are working specifically with an Excel project or are porting some bizarre Excel application to the web, Excel skills are relatively useless. When hiring I always ignore the "skilled with MS Office" part of the resume. Junior and intermediate programmers are mostly coding any office tools they are using involve filling in preset templates, design documents for instance, that don't require a lot of knowledge.

Once you hit senior dev, team lead or management you'll use some kind of spreadsheet, most likely Excel, for budgets, proposals, salary charts, SR&ED applications to supply all sorts of data to the other parts of your organization.

Rob Osborne

short answer: No. they are not important skills, and they will not help you get a job as developer.

long answer: Generally a halfway sane company expect their developer to learn to work with new things, because they can not expect anyone to know everything. So whether you do or do not know your way around Excel is not an issue. It is far more important that you know how to program neatly, and pick up new skills all the time.

On the other hand there probably are some businesses that specifically work a lot with Excel. In interviews with those companies you'll have a slight advantage over the other applicants. But they will probably just as easily choose someone else because they can always teach somebody the ins and outs of Excel.

Note: I hope you define skills with Excel as developing with or for Excel, not using a spreadsheet.

Being able to spell "Excel" (it's also an English word) would also be a good sign. :-)
+1  A: 

Between the lines I see the question:

Should I add "MS Excel - advanced skills" record to my CV?

My answer is "no", it looks pretty funny.

Putting something on your resume is an invitation to ask questions about it. If I saw that, I'd absolutely grill you on it. If that's what you want to talk about, go for it!
+1  A: 

Having Excel listed on your CV is pointless in my opinion, for a programmer/software developer at least.

However I do beleive some knowledge of a spreadsheet application is an advantage. A few times I've created a mock up or prototype within a spreadsheet application to test some complex mathematics. In turn this allows me to ensure my test code and production code is spot on.
