



Hi, I want to make an application that executes a remote script. The user can create a script (probabily a LUA script) then stores it in the server. Then he can uses an API for execute the script. I was thinking that API could be a webservice. So my questions are:

I need high performance to execute the script. So my first choice was LUA script. Someone has another sugestion?

Cause I need high perfomance, I was thinking if the webservice is the best solution. Maybe I could create a TCP/IP Windows Service that hold the users request. It is important to say that I will have many user executing scripts at the same time. So I will have a concurrency problem.

My scripts will query in a database. I will use Tokyo Cabinet or Tokio Tyrant. I think Tokio Tyrant is the only solution cause I will have many requests. For perfomance, Do I need to make a connection pooling? Is there anyway to share variables between webservices requests?

To make the webservice or the Windows service i was thinking to use C++.

Can someone help with these questions?


+1  A: 
Norman Ramsey
Point #5, "Do the simplest thing that could possibly work," should be #1!
John Zwinck