



In the end, I got this function. I don't know whether it's normal or not.

function user_registration($user_name, $user_email , $user_pass , $address , 
    $city , $postalcode  , $country  , $phone , $mobilephone)

How and why can I improve this?

+11  A: 

A solution would be to only have one parameter, that can contain several pieces of data -- like an array.

Your function could be defined this way :

function user_registration(array $data) {
    // work with $data['name']
    // and $data['email']
    // ...

And you'd call it like this :

    'name' => 'blah',
    'email' => '[email protected]', 
    'pass' => '123456',
    // and so on

Nice things are :

  • You can add / remove "parameters" easily
  • The "parameters" can be passed in any order you want

Not so bad things are :

  • No hint while typing in your IDE
  • No documentation (like phpDoc)
Missing one ) after the other ) in the second code
@M28 : oops ! Thanks for the note :-)
+2  A: 

One way is to pass an array as parameter to this function and put all info in that array:

function user_registration(array $user_info)
   // process $user_info;
+17  A: 

You could either pass an array with all variables packed nicely together, or just make a "User" class and add all properties via setters and do the validation in the end with a dedicated method:

class User {

  public function setName($name) {
    $this->name = $name;


  public function register() {

    //Validate input
    if (empty($this->name))
      $this->errors[] = "ERROR, Username must not be emtpy";

    //Add the user to the database
    //Your SQL query
    return empty($this->errors);


$user = new User();
$success = $user->register();

if (!$success)
  echo "ERRORS OCCURED: ".print_r($user->errors, true);
What a boring one
Col. Shrapnel
I don't think the user object should have the responsibility to be able to register itself. Therefor I voted this solution down.
+8  A: 

I personally don't think it has too many parameters. From looking at the functions definition it is clear what you require as input which wouldn't be so obvious if called with an array.

"If it aint broke don't fix it!"

I'd say either keep the parameters and run a check from within the function, or create the User Class as suggested by FlorianH for a more OO design. Passing the array is really unclear and prone to passing wrong parameter names (array indexes).
Juan Mendes

I'd make it this way


Because I am sure these variables coming from $_POST

Col. Shrapnel
yes, it will come from $_POST. ;)
Can you please justify why this is a good, safe, reliable idea?
This is a very bad idea. For one thing, you have to worry about preventing or escaping commas inside the fields. Far better to pass the fields to the function separately - either as separate variables, items in a list, items in an associative array, or members of a class.
Andrew Medico
@Andrew well, $_POST is already associative array, as you suggested :)
Col. Shrapnel
@Dolph personally, I don't like functions like user_registration - a single-call one. I take function in old fashion, a repetitive piece of code. So, I thinking more of db_insert function, which take field names list as it's parameter.
Col. Shrapnel
what has `$_POST` got to do with this? where's escaping? what about commas in data? etc.?
OMG @knittl you don't understand the purpose of this code at all. it has nothing to do with commas in data nor with escaping. why not to read initial question before writing dumb comments?
Col. Shrapnel
+1  A: 

I make array of keys like

$fields = array('field1', 'field2');
function register (array $values, array $keys)
    $data = array();
    foreach ($keys as $one)
        if (isset($values[$one])) $data[$one] = $values[$one];
    // or you can use array functions like array_flip and after - array intersect
+1  A: 

Function (method) without any parameters is best. Function with one paremeter is better than function with 2 parameters. Function with 2 parameters is better than function with 3 parameters and so on.

+2  A: 

As a general rule of thumb (not as a steadfast rule), anytime you have to ask "Does this function have too many parameters?" -- the answer is yes. Your intuition is telling you something that your brain just hasn't yet been able to work out.

In this particular case, the first thing that comes to mind is that your user cred.s should be checked first (does the username already exist? is the pw complex enough) and your user details should be added separately, probably using an object or array.

+1  A: 

@Florianh has given a perfect solution how your code can be improved. With this comment, I would like to elaborate on the "why" part from a system design perspective.

From an Object Oriented perspective, other objects should be able to manipulate attributes. That is why attributes should never be defined as "public". They should be "private" e.g.:

private var $name;

The reason for this is when other objects would manipulate this variable, the correct working of the object is at risk. Methods, on the other hand, can be defined publicly:

public function register() 

Accordingly, the manipulation of the attributes will happen through the appropriate methods. A method can be used to also evaluate the correctness of operations on the attributes.

There are two operations that can happen: reading the current value of an attribute by using Get methods and saving a new value of an attribute by using Set methods.

A good practice would be to implement a get method for each class attribute. Each attribute that can be modified, should have an appropriate set method as well.

Sometimes it is better to not implement a get/set method (e.g.: showData()) after all. This is because the usage of getters and setters within a particular class may possibly lead to a reduced performance. However, this means that when changing or implementing the class, one must be careful when trying to save false information and as a result putting the integrity of the class at risk.

Now, consider the fact that you decide to use only one phone number instead of both a phone- and mobile number. When the mobile number becomes deprecated, your main program still remains the same. All you have to do is change/remove one method. The advantage of using getters and setters is an increase in adaptability and maintainability.

Kris Van den Bergh