First ensure that the value of the name attribute is {NAMESPACE}PORT_NAME where NAMESPACE is your namespace URI and PORT_NAME is the name of your WSDL port. Without seeing your WSDL, I don't know if you named your WSDL port "port" or if you are just giving a sanitized example.
For example, my WSDL namespace is "" and the name of my WSDL port element is "myPort", the Spring configuration would look like this
<jaxws:endpoint name="{}myPort" >
See "CreatedFromAPI" attribute description in CXF docs
If that doesn't solve your problem, try looking at the wsdl_first example code, upgrading your CXF version, and/or posting your question with test code demonstrating your issue to the CXF user list.
2010-04-05 18:25:47