



What's the easiest way to merge the contents of several MP3 files into one using PHP 5.2 on Linux Debian system? I found some scripts that are supposed to do in PHP only, but they seem to be buggy. Perhaps there is a way to accomplish this task using command line programs, that I could install on my Linux Debian machine?


Code taken from this link

cat first_part.mp3 second_part.mp3 third_part.mp3 > newfile.mp3

They say that your file must have the same bit rate.

You can have bit rate using mpg321

mpg321 -t first_part.mp3

Hope it helps.

Luc M
What about ID3 tags? MP3 files have headers and simply concatenating them would mess up the internal structure of the resulting file.
I only have one mp3 file to test it. I did cat my.mp3 my.mp3 my.mp3 > new.mp3 and the file is playable.
Luc M
+2  A: 

check this:

first you have to install sox. sudo apt-get install sox.

$ sox first.mp3 -r 44100 -c 2 -s -w first.raw
$ sox second.mp3 -r 44100 -c 2 -s -w second.raw
$ cat first.raw second.raw > concatenated.raw
$ sox -r 44100 -c 2 -s -w concatenated.raw concatenated.mp3

you can execute all these commands from php with exec().
