



Let's say I have programmers and artists working on a project. The artists have some folders they care about:


And maybe the programmers have a folder like this:


What is the best process in Mercurial to keep the 2 Jpgs folders synced? I have used Vault, where you can have 2 or more files/folders linked in a repository so updating one updates another. Is there a way to do the same thing with Mercurial?

+2  A: 

That could be managed through JPgs as a Mercurial Subrepo, that is as a nested respository managed by both programmers and artists, in their own respective main projects.

Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Jake Pearson
I gave it a try, but I get this error when I try to commit in the sample: `hg: config error at .hgsub:2: ' '`Any idea?
Jake Pearson
@Jake: seems related to a syntax error in the hg config file. You need to try it out in a small independent main project/subrepo and play with it a little before applying that to the JPegs directory.