Hi there, Our app uses the gallery pick action to grab an image from the device to upload to a new blog post. We're seeing on the Moto Droid that images taken in portrait are being sent back to the app in landscape orientation so the image is sideways. AFAIK this only occurs on the Droid.
Found this via google, but we need the full size image to be uploaded in the correct orientation so the solution doesn't work for us:
An easy way to reproduce this is to take a picture in portrait on the Droid, then send it to yourself via Gmail. In the email message, the image will be in landscape (sideways). I've tested on the droid 2.1 update and the issue is still there.
Here's some more info:
I took a peek at the image info in photoshop, and it has this line:
This spec (http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/orientation.html) says that the value of 1 is:
1 = The 0th row represents the visual top of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual left-hand side.
In this case, isn't that incorrect? The top of the image in my case is the right side, with the 0th row being the left side, which I think should be a value of '5' for the tiff orientation.