



I have a Perl client which is calling an http restlet service (put method). Some of the parameters in this call contain japanese text. When I printed the contents of these request parameters in the restlet service I found these chars garbled !

This is my PERL client code:

my %request_headers = (
        'DocumentName' => $document_name, --> This name is a JAPANESE String
        'DocumentDescription' => 'Test Japanese Chars',
        'content-length' => 200,
        'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8',
        'User-Agent' => "JPCharTester",

        $s->write_request('PUT', '/test-document/TEST/TEST_DOCUMENT' , %request_headers, $content);

in this call both the values of $context and $document_name are JAPANESE Strings. But ONLY the document_name is received as garbled in my backend service.

Here goes the Service code:

String URL_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
String documentName = requestHeaders.getFirstValue("DocumentName");
System.out.println("Encoded Document Name : "+documentName+" <<<"); --> documentName is garbled here

try {
    documentName = URLDecoder.decode(documentName, URL_ENCODING);
    System.out.println(>>> Decoded Document Name : "+documentName+" <<<"); --> documentName is garbled here
} catch ( ex) {
    throwException(ex.getMessage(), Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, ex);

both the above log statements printed GARBLED TEXT !!

Can someone tell me what is the mistake I am doing and how to fix this ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Regards, Satish.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by "garbled"? Also, do you have an HTTP trace?

Julian Reschke

Don't forget to encode the data on the client side as UTF-8. If you say

'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8'

than that doesn't magically solve the problem. It's just a hint for the receiver in which form it will get the data. You must also send it with the correct format. In perl:

use utf8;
    'DocumentName' => utf8::encode($document_name),

... , utf8::encode($content) ...
Aaron Digulla