



I am wondering if there is any other configuration options for a default controller.

For example - if I have a controller called "site" and I set the default controller in the following file: application/config/routes.php to:

$route['default_controller'] = "site";

I should be able to go to http://localhost and that brings up the index(); function in the site controller.

However, if I try to do go to http://localhost/index.php/index2 to load the index2(); function I get a 404 error. If I change the URL to http://localhost/index.php/site/index2 it works fine - but I thought already set the default controller. Is there any way around this?


You cannot do that.

The default_controller is only for URLs without any URI parameter. How could CodeIgniter distinguish between a method name and a controller name?

What you can do: define a redirect inside your 404 document or directly map your 404 document to index.php

Peter Parker

No CI doesn't work like that the first parameter has to be the name of a controller, so in this case you would have to create a controlled called "index2".

+2  A: 

The only way to do it is manually writing the routing rule:

$route['index2'] = "site/index2";