



Is there any alternative to this:

Organizations.Include("Assets").Where(o => o.Id == id).Single()

I would like to see something like:

Organizations.Include(o => o.Assets).Where(o => o.Id == id).Single()

to avoid the hard-coded string "Assets".

+3  A: 

For Entity Framework 1.0, I created some extensions methods for doing this.

public static class EntityFrameworkIncludeExtension
    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, StructuralObject>> fetch)
        return src.Include(CreateFetchingStrategyDescription(fetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, RelatedEnd>> fetch)
        return src.Include(CreateFetchingStrategyDescription(fetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, TFectchedCollection>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, IEnumerable<TFectchedCollection>>> fetch)
        return src.Include(CreateFetchingStrategyDescription(fetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, FetchedChild>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, RelatedEnd>> fetch, Expression<Func<FetchedChild, Object>> secondFetch)
        where FetchedChild : StructuralObject
        return src.Include(CombineFetchingStrategies(fetch, secondFetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, FetchedChild>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, RelatedEnd>> fetch, Expression<Func<FetchedChild, RelatedEnd>> secondFetch)
        where FetchedChild : StructuralObject
        return src.Include(CombineFetchingStrategies(fetch, secondFetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, FetchedChild>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, RelatedEnd>> fetch, Expression<Func<FetchedChild, StructuralObject>> secondFetch)
        where FetchedChild : StructuralObject
        return src.Include(CombineFetchingStrategies(fetch, secondFetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, FetchedChild>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, IEnumerable<FetchedChild>>> fetch, Expression<Func<FetchedChild, Object>> secondFetch)
        where FetchedChild : StructuralObject
        return src.Include(CombineFetchingStrategies(fetch, secondFetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, FetchedChild>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, IEnumerable<FetchedChild>>> fetch, Expression<Func<FetchedChild, RelatedEnd>> secondFetch)
        where FetchedChild : StructuralObject
        return src.Include(CombineFetchingStrategies(fetch, secondFetch));

    public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T, FetchedChild>(this ObjectQuery<T> src, Expression<Func<T, IEnumerable<FetchedChild>>> fetch, Expression<Func<FetchedChild, StructuralObject>> secondFetch)
        where FetchedChild : StructuralObject
        return src.Include(CombineFetchingStrategies(fetch, secondFetch));

    private static String CreateFetchingStrategyDescription<TFetchEntity, TFetchResult>(
        Expression<Func<TFetchEntity, TFetchResult>> fetch)
        fetch = (Expression<Func<TFetchEntity, TFetchResult>>)FixedWrappedMemberAcces.ForExpression(fetch);
        if (fetch.Parameters.Count > 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("CreateFetchingStrategyDescription support only " +
                "one parameter in a dynamic expression!");

        int dot = fetch.Body.ToString().IndexOf(".") + 1;
        return fetch.Body.ToString().Remove(0, dot);

    private static String CreateFetchingStrategyDescription<T>(Expression<Func<T, Object>> fetch)
        return CreateFetchingStrategyDescription<T, Object>(fetch);

    private static String CombineFetchingStrategies<T, TFetchedEntity>(
                Expression<Func<T, Object>> fetch, Expression<Func<TFetchedEntity, Object>> secondFetch)
        return CombineFetchingStrategies<T, Object, TFetchedEntity, Object>(fetch, secondFetch);

    private static String CombineFetchingStrategies<TFetchEntity, TFetchResult, TFetchedEntity, TSecondFetchResult>(
        Expression<Func<TFetchEntity, TFetchResult>> fetch, Expression<Func<TFetchedEntity, TSecondFetchResult>> secondFetch)
        return CreateFetchingStrategyDescription<TFetchEntity, TFetchResult>(fetch) + "." +
            CreateFetchingStrategyDescription<TFetchedEntity, TSecondFetchResult>(secondFetch);


 Orders.Include(o => o.Product); // generates .Include("Product")
 Orders.Include(o => o.Product.Category); // generates .Include("Product.Category")
 Orders.Include(o => o.History); // a 1-* reference => .Include("History")
 // fetch all the orders, and in the orders collection.
 // also include the user reference so: .Include("History.User")
 // but because history is an collection you cant write o => o.History.User, 
 // there is an overload which accepts a second parameter to describe the fetching 
 // inside the collection.
 Orders.Include(o => o.History, h => h.User); 

I haven't tested this on EF4.0, but I expect it to work.

Davy Landman
It should also work for EF 4.0, but only if you use the designer-generated classes. It won't work with POCO entities, since they don't inherit from `StructuralObject`
Thomas Levesque
This unfortunately doesn't compile (.Net 4), because `FixedWrappedMemberAcces` is unknown.
Hans Kesting
ah, it is a victim of a copy and pasting from our source.. the truth is, you don't need that line.. it's merely to solve a problem with wrapped fields (see for more about this) but you don't need this for the includes to work.
Davy Landman
+3  A: 

That's pretty easy to do, using Expressions :

public static class ObjectSetExtensions
    public static ObjectSet<T> Include<T, TProperty>(this ObjectSet<T> objectSet, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> selector)
        MemberExpression memberExpr = selector.Body as MemberExpression;
        if (memberExpr != null)
            return objectSet.Include(memberExpr.Member.Name);
        throw new ArgumentException("The expression must be a MemberExpression", "selector");

You can use it exactly as in the example in your question


Improved version, which supports multiple chained properties :

public static class ObjectSetExtensions
    public static ObjectSet<T> Include<T, TProperty>(this ObjectSet<T> objectSet, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> selector)
        string propertyPath = GetPropertyPath(selector);
        return objectSet.Include(propertyPath)

    public static string GetPropertyPath<T, TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> selector)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        MemberExpression memberExpr = selector.Body as MemberExpression;
        while (memberExpr != null)
            string name = memberExpr.Member.Name;
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                name = name + ".";
            sb.Insert(0, name);
            if (memberExpr.Expression is ParameterExpression)
                return sb.ToString();
            memberExpr = memberExpr.Expression as MemberExpression;
        throw new ArgumentException("The expression must be a MemberExpression", "selector");

Example :

var query = X.Include(x => x.Foo.Bar.Baz) // equivalent to X.Include("Foo.Bar.Baz")
Thomas Levesque
yes, that's how I started out as well, but yours has the disadvantage that while it compiles, it can generate run-time exceptions. because you don't limit what TProperty can be. EF only likes it's own properties in the Include, because it cannot map self declared properties to it's data model (at least in EF1.0). That why I included all the overloads, which restrict the expressions to provide compile time safety for the includes. Although all the other expressions in LINQ can still generate runtime errors.
Davy Landman
Agreed... unfortunately you can't check *everything* at compile time. It's still the developer's responsibility to make sure that the expression really returns a mapped property
Thomas Levesque
Agreed, it is a trade-off.
Davy Landman
+1  A: 

See 'Say goodbye to the hardcoded ObjectQuery(T).Include calls'.


Good news that EF4 CTP4 currently support this feature.
