I've found a solution that, in my opinion is just terrible but worked on my case.
Well: reading the source code of the JasperViewer class, I found a protected field named viewer on that class.
So, all I had to do was write a code like this:
Field jrViewerField;
try {
jrViewerField = viewer.getClass().getDeclaredField("viewer");
JRViewer jrViewer = (JRViewer) jrViewerField.get(viewer);
List<JRSaveContributor> savers = new ArrayList<JRSaveContributor>();
for (JRSaveContributor sc : jrViewer.getSaveContributors()) {
for (JRSaveContributor sc : savers) {
if (! sc.getClass().getName().toLowerCase().contains("pdf")) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
It's not a beautiful solution, but at least it worked with the 3.7.1 version of Jasper Reports. It have NO WARRANTY that may work with another versions of the system, so I highly discourage anyone to use this solution, only if that is your last resource.