I am using Eclipse 3.5 SR2 for Java EE developers. Each time I press control+C or control+V for the first time after I open a file I get an error. After I close the error, I can successfully copy and paste. The error message made me believe that it was related to the Mylyn plugin, but I uninstalled it and still no difference. Has anyone else experience this problem? I also have the subclipse, adobe flex builder, and maven plugins installed.
The 'org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.hyperlinks.detectors.url' extension from plug-in 'org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui' to the 'org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.hyperlinkDetectors' extension point failed to load the hyperlink detector.
Plug-in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.editors.TaskUrlHyperlinkDetector.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui (520).
The 'org.eclipse.mylyn.java.hyperlink.detector.stack' extension from plug-in 'org.eclipse.mylyn.java.tasks' to the 'org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.hyperlinkDetectors' extension point failed to load the hyperlink detector.
Plug-in org.eclipse.mylyn.java.tasks was unable to load class org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.java.tasks.JavaStackTraceHyperlinkDetector.
The 'org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.hyperlinks.detectors.task' extension from plug-in 'org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui' to the 'org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.hyperlinkDetectors' extension point failed to load the hyperlink detector.
Plug-in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.editors.TaskHyperlinkDetector.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui (520).