



I am trying to get an issueUrlBuilder to work in my CruiseControl.NET config, and cannot figure out why they aren't working.

The first one I tried is this:

<cb:define name="issueTracker">
  <issueUrlBuilder type="regexIssueTracker">
    <find>^.*Issue (\d*).|\n*$</find>

Then, I reference it in the sourceControl block:

  <sourcecontrol type="vaultplugin">

My checkin comments look like this:

[Issue 1234] This is a test comment

I cannot find anywhere in the build reports/logs/etc. where that issue link is converted to a link. Is my regex wrong?

I've also tried the default issueUrlBuilder:

<cb:define name="issueTracker">
  <issueUrlBuilder type="defaultIssueTracker">

Again, same comments and no links anywhere.

Anyone have any ideas.

+1  A: 

It looks like you're trying to match a potentially multiline comment by using .|\n instead of just ., which doesn't match newlines by default. Your first problem is that | has the lowest associativity of all regex constructs, so it's dividing your whole regex into the alternatives ^.*Issue (\d*). or \n*$. You would need to enclose the alternation in a group: (?:.|\n)*.

Another potential problem is that the lines might be separated by \r\n (carriage-return plus linefeed) instead of just \n. If CCNET uses the .NET regex engine under the hood, that won't be a problem because the dot matches \r. But that's not true of all flavors, and anyway, there's always a better way to match anything including newlines than (?:.|\n)*. I suggest you try

<find>^.*Issue (\d*)(?s:.*)$</find>


<find>(?s)^.*Issue (\d*).*$</find>

(?s) and (?s:...) are inline modifiers which allow the dot to match line separator characters.

EDIT: It looks like this is a known bug in CCNET. If the inline modifier doesn't work, try replacing . with [\s\S], as you would in a JavaScript regex. Example:

<find>^.*Issue (\d*)[\s\S]*$</find>
Alan Moore
Thanks, this is good info, especially the inline modifiers. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work for me. Any other ideas? How do I know the url builder task is actually running?
@slolife: see my edit.
Alan Moore