+2  A: 

Regarding running an .sh file, you'll do that in Cygwin.

Jim Blackler
what .exe file opens this bash prompt thing?
+7  A: 

Great some strange thing called gnu make.. if your not going to tell me what it does maybe you then at least you could give me a URL to it?

This is a fundamental part of the Unix build system, and you're going to have to learn it. They're assuming you're fairly familiar with Linux development.

windows dont run nothing but .exe .com or .dll, just tell me how you want me to run it..

That's what you downloaded Cygwin for. Do that from a Cygwin bash prompt. AWK probably came with Cygwin.

Nothing is said about where any of these things need to be installed to (what directory)

Because they're running from the root folder of the SDK install, it isn't going to matter. The host-setup.sh script might record where it is for later reference, so do run that from where you intend to keep it.

Andrew McGregor
Thanks for the quick response!
+5  A: 

You're expected to run everything from within Cygwin, which is a linux-like environment for Windows. The instructions clearly expect you to understand how to use Cygwin, which is a subject too broad for them to include in their instructions. All the "obscure" tools it references can be installed using the Cygwin setup/installer program (the same one that installed Cygwin on your computer).

does cygwin install make or gmake or gnumake or whatever make as well? i am pretty sure i told it to download everything and i cant find anything besides makeinfo...
@nathan: "make" is probably available under the "development" section of Cygwin's package manager. It is probably installed by default, but I can't remember for sure. If you told it to install everything, then you must have it :) But I didn't even realize there was a way to do that... it must take forever. Go back into the package managar (setup/installer program) and double check.
as far as i can tell its installed, but where would it be in the c:\cygwin\ folder structure?
Make is always /usr/bin/make, so translate that into cygwin-speak.
Andrew McGregor
Type `which make` to see where exactly a command is being executed from. `which` just shows you where the first one on your path is hiding.
Which of course when using cygwin prompt, it will show it being in an entirely different place (`/usr/bin/make`) than where it actually resides on your system (`C:\<path_to_where_cygwin_is_installed>/bin/make`). It's crap like this that makes me highly recommend just going with linux instead of cygwin. Granted, this is a harmless example, but I guarantee you will encounter this when it is -not- harmless.

this sadly is the world of GNU and linux, expect to have to learn 20-30 new things before actually knowing how you can start doing what you want to do... then you have to find out how to debug what you just did because nothing works on your target platform.

GNU make is a building tool for the linux platform made by some GNU people. If you have used ant to build your code you will be disappointed.

The Nawk is probably the awk toolkit, its a standard Java GUI framework/toolkit, this is platform independant, you need this for whatever platform youre on.

To run files in linux simply do a ./host-setup.sh

I suggest you go buy a book about linux or something, because you are trying to develop for the android, which is a linux platform, and it isnt the standard x86 stuff that works right out of the box for you. Its though to start with linux on an embedded or mobile platform, you will run into problems most linux fanboys rarely get, but do you have an alternative?

this is not unique to the world of GNU or linux. If you were used to linux dev and moved to windows, you would face the same bewilderment. You seem to be confusing "awk" and "awt", the former of which is a text manipulation tool. I don't think buying a book is necessary, just a little bit of patience and searching for answers. I'll refrain from downvoting however, as I think you meant well.
if this is the case then google really effed up, who wants to learn 3 different programming langauges (maybe 4) and the ins and outs of 2 different development platforms(I am talking about the android SDK, the android NDK, and then this unix/linux/cygwin stuff, not to mention ecplipse ide becuase its awsome) just to be able to create fast and efficent code... they need a NDK installer of some sort.
Yup, awk has nothing to do with java.
Unless of course you're running cygwin. Then you'll need to make sure you have make installed, and make sure it's in your path. And drop the 'sudo' part of this. And the 'configure' step may require you to futz with the paths of where things are/where things will be installed. And you will break down and weep at some point.
+6  A: 

I would highly recommend not developing this on windows. Go get virtual box and create an ubuntu or fedora image (or whatever other flavor of linux you may prefer) and use that for development. I've been developing in the windows world with cygwin for several months now and I completely hate it. While cygwin is awesome, it's a complete hack onto windows and its only a matter of time before you discover that painful fact. You will run into issues with paths/executables/etc trying to get anything done within cygwin. Configuration nightmares abound when it comes to specifying where things are in cygwin versus windows. The whole thing really just sucks. If the development environment requires cygwin, I would highly suggest just going with linux instead. You will love yourself later on for it - I wish I would have done it months ago.

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunitly i spend 1/2 of my dev time on campus, and they just dont have any linux boxs setup.. so whatever i do i need to try and make it fit on my thumb drive and not require much to be installed otherwise..
You could easily get virtual box and a linux image onto a flash drive (maybe 2-4 gigs), and take it with you anywhere you go. Have your own development environment in a bottle! All you'd have to do would be to install virtual box. It'd take all of 10 minutes tops at any computer you sat down at. And would be well worth that 10 minutes to have your own personalized development environment anywhere you went.
And what the hell kind of college doesn't have any linux boxes? ;)
Affordable ones, (community college), with a nazi tech department. lol.. why cant i just write inline C, and ecplipse IDE figures all the useless compiling crud out. ohwell.
if it where actually easyer.. i mean its hard enough trying to figure out what all of this means... throw in a operating system swich to something as alien as linux..it would probibly be a month before i wrote a single line of code. im sure linux is great and all but if it takes to long to figure out, and the result is only being able to do what i should of been able to do in windows if google had just given correct instructions/installer... i mean heck after a month of leaning linux google may have released a NDK installer before i wrote 1 line of code.
The thing is... Android phones run Linux, so you have to know it anyway. There is no alternative, you have to understand your target environment.
Andrew McGregor
Well that nazi tech department needs to follow my suggestions and get linux running on some of those machines. It's completely free, and you can't do any damage whatsoever to the underlying operating system with a virtualized OS running on top. It's pointless not to have a lab that has linux on it. That college is doing a major disservice to anyone studying computer science - a large portion of development positions use either mac or linux. It's rare I come across a developer position using windows. Just my personal experience - I'm sure people will hollar otherwise.