I have been trying to figure out how to highlight the selected row in a table. In my jsp I have jsp scriplet that can get access to the id of the row the displaytag library is creating. I want to compare it to the the id of the current row selected by the user ${currentNoteId}. Right now if the row id = 849 (hardcoded) the class "currentClass" is added to just that row of the table. I need to change the 849 for the {$currentNoteId} and I don't know how to do it. I am using java, Spring MVC. The jsp: ...
request.setAttribute("dyndecorator", new org.displaytag.decorator.TableDecorator()
public String addRowClass()
edu.ilstu.ais.advisorApps.business.Note row =
String rowId = row.getId();
if ( rowId.equals("849") ) {
return "currentClass";
return null;
<c:set var="currentNoteId" value="${studentNotes.currentNote.id}"/>
<display:table id="noteTable" name="${ studentNotes.studentList }" pagesize="20"
requestURI="notesView.form.html" decorator="dyndecorator">
<display:column title="Select" class="yui-button-match" href="/notesView.form.html"
paramId="note.id" paramProperty="id">
<input type="button" class="yui-button-match2" name="select" value="Select"/>
<display:column property="userName" title="Created By" sortable="true"/>
<display:column property="createDate" title="Created On" sortable="true"
format="{0,date,MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a}"/>
<display:column property="detail" title="Detail" sortable="true"/>
This could also get done using javascript and that might be best, but the documentation suggested this so I thought I would try it. I cannot find an example anywhere using the addRowClass() unless the comparison is to a field already in the row (a dollar amount is used in the documentation example) or hardcoded in like the "849" id.
Thanks for any help you can provide.