I'm trying to URL encode a string to form a GET request from objective-c.
NSString *params = @"'Decoded data!'/foo.bar:baz";
NSRunAlertPanel( @"Error", [params urlEncoded], @"OK", nil, nil );
This is the category extending NSString
-(NSString *) urlEncoded
NSString *encoded = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
(CFStringRef)@"!*'\"();:@&=+$,/?%#[]% ",
kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
return encoded;
So the first time I run it I get back
1606410046ecoded 1606410784ata2270.000000foo.bar0X1.001716P-1042baz
from the dialog box.
Immediately after I run it again I get this
1606410046ecoded 1606410944ata227369374562920703448982951250259562309742470533728899744288431318481119278377104028261651081181287077973859930826299575521579020410425419424562236383226511593137467590082636817579938932512039895040.000000foo.bar0X1.66E6156303225P+771baz
Then if I run it AGAIN it goes back to the first one. It's really weird.
If params is set to @"&" or @" " I just get back a "2" (w/o the quotes) in the dialog box.
Also is there a way I can have the % signs be shown in the alert dialog?