



I am trying to create some global variables in a firefox extension. In my content folder, I have two javascript files:

1) Main JS file that holds the functions for the different events, etc

2) A file that stores only an object with the pieces of state I want to maintain. Also, I set the array EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.

I am having issues with the following line found in my main JS file: Components.utils.import("resource:///globalVariables.js");
When it is at the top of the file, nothing seems to work. If I move it into the function where I need the variable, the rest of my code works, but the function with this line does nothing. Any advice that would help me with this problem would be great. Thanks

+1  A: 

Chances are resource:///globalVariables.js is not the right URI. Make sure you register it properly, and include the aliasname when you reference it.
