I've want to match any occurrence of a search term (or list of search terms) within the tags of a document. My current solution uses preg (within a Joomla plugin)
$pattern = '/matchthisterm/i';
$article->text = preg_replace($pattern,"<span class=\"highlight\">\\0</span>",$article->text);
But this replaces everything within the HTML of the document so I need to match the tags first. Is this even the best way to achieve this?
EDIT: OK, I've used simplehtmldom, but just need some help getting to the correct term. So far I've got:
$pattern = '/(matchthisterm)/i';
$html = str_get_html($buffer);
$es = $html->find('text');
foreach ($es as $term) {
//Match to the terms within the text nodes
if (preg_match($pattern, $term->plaintext)) {
$term->outertext = '<span class="highlight">' . $term->outertext . '</span>';
This makes the entire node text bold, am I ok to use the preg_replace in here?
//Get the HTML and look at the text nodes
$html = str_get_html($buffer);
$es = $html->find('text');
foreach ($es as $term) {
//Match to the terms within the text nodes
$term->outertext = str_ireplace('matchthis', '<span class="highlight">matchthis</span>', $term->outertext);