





I'm pretty sure this is some stupid mistake from me but i haven't been able to debug where the error in this lies.

I'm trying to change image paths in html file with this regexp. It should work, but preg_replace is just returning null time after time.

preg_replace("(src=){1}([\"']){1}(.*)([\/]+)(.*[\"']{1})", '/my/path'.$5 , $source);

anyone care to lend a hand please?

+3  A: 

There's a lot going on here.

  1. /(src=){1}/ is the same as /src=/
  2. .* probably isn't doing what you expect, as it matches a blank string (and is set to be greedy)
  3. You are concatenating $5 to a string, but $5 will not be set in PHP; you probably meant '/my/path$5'

Really though, if you're trying to pull the src attribute out of an HTML (or XML) tag, you should be using the DOM. Refer to this comment.

Adam Backstrom
+1 for suggesting DOM
I'm supposed to change paths of all images in a html file.So the filename itself should stay the same while only the path should change. I thought this would be nice n' easy with regex.quess not..
+1  A: 
Can't even get this to work. Still returning null. Same effect with preg_grep function.I'm totally lost here.
it's closer, but i need to change image paths (like http://www.example.com/image.jpg) to absolute path on my server (like /var/path/image.jpg) for all images in this html document.so that's why i need all filenames from src attribute.
oh yeah that worked otherwise ty :) so it's clearly a failure in my regex.