I want to record sound (voice) using PortAudio (PyAudio) and output the corresponding sound wave on the screen. Hopeless as I am, I am unable to extract the frequency information from the audio stream so that I can draw it in Hz/time form.
Here's an example code snippet that records and plays recorded audio for five seconds, in case it helps any:
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
chunk = 1024
seconds = 5
stream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16,
for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * seconds):
data = stream.read(chunk)
stream.write(data, chunk)
I wish to extract the needed information from the above variable "data". (Or use some other high-level approach with PortAudio or another library with Python bindings.)
I'd be very grateful for any help! Even vaguely related tidbits of audio-analyzing wisdom are appreciated. :)