



Hi Folks,

I was delighted with the responses folks offered to the question about horizontal sliding panels that I thought I would try again. In subsequent discussions with my colleagues, it became clearer that we would also like to consider horizontal accordion effects, so I am looking for some concrete, real world examples.

Soo... I would once again be most grateful to the stalwart StackOverflowians who could take a moment to paste links to their favorite website(s) that use a horizontal accordion effect well. Extra kudos if you can promote your own site!

Thanks so very much if you can help!


I keep peddling this, but the question keeps coming up:

Just created it. Uses jQuery. Super simple and very versatile, so you can insert markup right into the slides.

Looks elegant and simple, nicely done. I'm not sure it lines up with what is sought, being a library for sliding panels and not a website featuring horizontal accordion effects, but I appreciate your posting it. Have you examples of the library being used in production?
Peter Degen-Portnoy
Not yet. I'm hoping to get some feedback from the people downloading it. I'd love to see it being used regularly. So far, I have something like 23 downloads.
Sorry, by the way, that it wasn't exactly what you were looking for. The answer you had picked in the previous question seemed to have a very similar panel sliding system to the one I developed. This might not be a bad place to start to piece together your own:
Thanks so much for the reference. There is a lot of great material on accordion effects, but we are looking for some websites that use the effect well. I'll keep your library in mind if we include sliding panels in the design.
Peter Degen-Portnoy