I'm using Capistrano to deploy my apps on Linux servers without any problem (even using the nohup command as below). But I can't figure it out why it's not working when I try to deploy TO an OSX machine?!
I have several tasks, all are working properly (using 'cp', 'ps' or other commands) apart from one.
Here is the task :
task :start do
run "cd #{current_path} && nohup jruby converter.rb -e #{app_env} -p #{converter_port} > #{shared_path}/log/nohup.log", :pty => true
And the output :
* executing `deploy:start'
* executing "cd /Users/admin/Sites/docconv/staging_app/current && nohup jruby converter.rb -e staging -p 4568 > /Users/admin/Sites/docconv/staging_app/shared/log/nohup.log &"
I don't have any error, all tasks end properly, but my server is just not starting. The problem is that using ssh and exactly the same command with the same user, the server starts very well...
cd /Users/admin/Sites/docconv/staging_app/current
nohup jruby converter.rb -e staging -p 4568 > /Users/admin/Sites/docconv/staging_app/shared/log/nohup.log &
Anyone has an idea?
Thank you!