



I work in Dreamweaver and Eclipse when developing. I think Dreamweaver has a really nice search where you can search for text within all files of your current project.

This is handy when you want to remove a function that is called in a lot of files. You can just search within the current local project. You can choose whether to search within text or in the source code.

Does Eclipse have such a feature to find all files that have the word 'querystring' in them?

+1  A: 

Yes, you can do this quite easily. Click on your project in the project explorer or Navigator, go to the Search menu at the top, click File..., input your search string, and make sure that 'Selected Resources' or 'Enclosing Projects' is selected, then hit search.

More details: and

alt text

Chris Dennett
Ah I see, thank you for pointing this out for me.
Saif Bechan