



Is it possible use a metadata driven component based authorization?

Wicket in Action gives an example

@AdminOnly private class ModeLink extends Link {.....}

Then implement isActionAuthorized() of the Authorization Strategy.

But I feel that it is not a good solution to create new classes for every role.

Is there a metadata driven way to do this? Can I add some metadata to a component and then check based on that in the isActionAuthorized() method of the Authorization Strategy?


I believe I provided a metadata-based solution here : in response to your question.

As for the annotations, you can use a single annotation,say @RequiresRole, parameterized with the role id : @RequiresRole("admin") for example.


You could use string constants for all your roles and do:

public class AdminPanel extends Panel {
  // snip

public boolean isActionAuthorized(Component c, Action a) {
  // I usually disallow instantiation of pages and rendering of components
  if (c instanceof Page || a == Component.RENDER) {
    Require r = c.getClass().getAnnotation(Require.class);
    if (r != null && !Strings.isEmpty(r.value()) {
      Roles roles = ((AuthenticatedWebSession)Session.get()).getRoles();
      return roles != null && roles.hasRole(a.value());
  return true;

Instead of strings you could also use an enum to disallow random strings. Simply use a.value().name() in this case to check the role.
