




I'm having trouble getting my head around algorithm analysis. I seem to be okay identifying linear or squared algorithms but am totally lost with nlogn or logn algorithms, these seem to stem mainly from while loops? Heres an example I was looking at:

Algorithm Calculate(A,n) 
Input: Array A of size n 
for i←0 to n-1 do 
   if A[i] is an odd number then 
      while Q is not empty do 
while Q is not empty do 
return t 

My best guess is the for loop is executed n times, its nested while loop q times making NQ and the final while loop also Q times resulting in O(NQ +Q) which is linear? I am probably totally wrong. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks


How is the queue implemented?

I would imagine that if it doesn't specify, the queue operations (enqueue and dequeue) can be assumed to run in `O(1)`.
Hi, it's not specified in the problem I assumed the que methods would be O(1).thanks
+1  A: 

First, lets assume that Q is initially empty.

Q will only grow at most at the same rate of the execution of the main loop. For example, if we have iterated over 3 times so far, then Q is at most 3 elements large. So when the inner while loop executes, it can at most only execute up to the current value of 'i'. This means that the inner loop isn't a true case on n^2 (which isn't something you claimed anyway). However, since Q can at most only be 'i' elements large, thus we know that O(calculate) <= O(2N). And since in O notation we really don't care about scalars, then it is O(N).

Unless I'm wrong :)

I think the worst case-scenario would be if Q grew to size n, but for that to happen, the inner loop could only execute on the n-th iteration of the for-loop, so it would be O(2N), so yeah, O(n) sounds right.