



How convert a string into a ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone? My dilemma is this. I need to update a field (called updated_at). The field in mysql is datetime, and the class is ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. But the dates are strings like "10/17/2008". I used "10/17/2008".to_date (And I intend .to_time and to_datetime), and even if in console the ActiveRecord class save succesfully, the field in the database still is the current date...

Thanks in advanced.


OK.. let's take them one at the time.

First, it is not recomended to set a field name 'updated_at', since this is a magic field that is automatically populated by rails.

If you want to disable this functionality, you may:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.record_timestamps = false

in your class, but this will also disable created_at fields.

The best option is to add a new field (EG my_updated_at) as date in the database, and then rails will automatically handle conversions, meaning that the next snippet will work:{:my_updated_at => "10/17/2008"})

Second, the answer on how to parse a string to ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone is:


but i don't think this helpes you (of course, change UTC with your current date/time).

Vlad Zloteanu