



I'm currently writing SDK documentation for one of our products, but for obvious reasons I don't want to talk about the essentials of OOP. Does anyone know any good online teaching material that explain (aimed at absolute beginners) concepts such as classes, inheritance, constructors, instances etc.? Preferably urls that are likely to survive for a couple of years to come...

It's a DotNET SDK and we're including only VB and C# samples, so C++ or Delphi or Lisp material is not that useful.

+1  A: 

How about

The site lists a large number of both C# and VB.NET tutorials (from other sites).

Thanks Oded, definitely a lot of links to pursue. But it all seems very standard. Either the tutorial starts right away with VS and Windows.Forms or you get beaten around the temples with scary terms like PolyMorphism and Abstraction.
David Rutten
+1  A: 

Here is an msdn link going over the basics of OOP (with vb and c# examples), though it seems odd that you are required to teach consumers of your SDK basic OOP techniques.

Matt Dearing
Thanks Matt, I'm not required to teach the basics at all, and in fact I'm hoping to avoid that. Which is why I'd like to supply a couple of good links where people can beef up on their own.
David Rutten
Just be careful if you're going to reference an MSDN link. Pages on Microsoft sites move around quite regularly in my opinion.
Mr Roys
Mr. Roys, yup... that's been my experience too. Cannot trust an MSDN link, they expire quicker than the milk in my fridge. But you can force the Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" shortcut to get a pretty high chance of success.
David Rutten