



I find the defs circular, the subjects are defined by their verbs but the verbs are undefined! So how do you define them?

The Circular Definitions

itialization: to initilise a variable. It can be done at the time of declaration.

assignment: to assign value to a variable. It can be done anywhere, only once with the final-identifier.

declaration: to declare value to a variable.

[update, trying to understand the topic with lambda calc]

D(x type) = (λx.x is declared with type) 
A(y D(x type)) = (λy.y is assigned to D(x type))

%Then after some beta reductions we get initialization.
D(x type) me human                  // "me" declared with type "human"
A(y (D(x type) me human)) asking    // "asking" assigned to the last declaration

%if the last two statemets are valid, an initialization exists. Right?
+1  A: 

declaration: whenever you define a new variable with its type

assignment: whenever you change the value of a variable by giving it a new value

initialization: an assignment that is done together with the declaration, or in any case the first assignment that is done with a variable, usually it's a constructor call for an object or a plain assignment for a variable

I cannot understand the difference btw declaration and initialization.
initialization = declaration + assignment ?
it's more like initialization = first assignment (can be implicit for class fields, but has to be explicit for local variables)
Initalization is not dependent upon assignment. Unreferenced objects can be initialized. It just so happens that programmers often assign at the point of initialization. Initialization is the creation of a new Object.
@Finbarr: I think your confusing initialization with instantiation

Declaration is not to declare "value" to a variable; it's to declare the type of the variable.

Assignment is simply the storing of a value to a variable.

Initialization is the assignment of a value to a variable at the time of declaration.

These definitions also applies to fields.

int i;  // simple declaration
i = 42  // simple assignment

int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3 };
// declaration with initialization, allows special shorthand syntax for arrays

arr = { 4, 5, 6 }; // doesn't compile, special initializer syntax invalid here
arr = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }; // simple assignment, compiles fine

However, it should be mentioned that "initialization" also has a more relaxed definition of "the first assignment to a variable", regardless of where it happens.

int i; // local variable declaration
if (something) i = 42;
  // compile time error: The local variable i may not have been initialized

This, however, compiles:

int i; // the following also compiles if i were declared final
if (something) i = 42;
else i = 666;

Here i can be "initialized" from two possible locations, by simple assignments. Because of that, if i was an array, you can't use the special array initializer shorthand syntax with this construct.

So basically "initialization" has two possible definitions, depending on context:

  • In its narrowest form, it's when an assignment is comboed with declaration.
    • It allows, among other things, special array shorthand initializer syntax
  • More generally, it's when an assignment is first made to a variable.
    • It allows, among other things, assignments to a final variable at multiple places.
      • The compiler would do its best to ensure that exactly one of those assignments can happen, thus "initializing" the final variable

There's also JVM-context class and instance initialization, OOP-context object initialization, etc.

"int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3 };" is arr-declared and {1,2,3}-assignment. It implies an initialization. Right?
Yes, that is an example of the special array initializer syntax being used, so it is initialization.
+1  A: 

assignment: throwing away the old value of a variable and replacing it with a new one

initialization: it's a special kind of assignment: the first. Before initialization objects have null value and primitive types have default values such as 0 or false. Can be done in conjunction with declaration.

declaration: a declaration states the type of a variable, along with its name. A variable can be declared only once. It is used by the compiler to help programmers avoid mistakes such as assigning string values to integer variables. Before reading or assigning a variable, that variable must have been declared.

Silvio Donnini
SUMMARY? Initialization is a change from a starting value. Declaration is labeling with name and type. Assignment is a more general change in value, initialization a special type of assignment.
correct. Initialization is special just because it's the first assignment of a variable
Silvio Donnini
+1  A: 
String declaration;
String initialization = "initialization";
declaration = "assignment"