



Hey all,

I’m working on my semester’s project. It’s called “Algorithms Learning System”. It’s based on the idea of plug-ins; any developer can add his own algorithm to my application in order to be available to all students. However, my main obstacle is to create a recursion template which can help me deal with any recursive algorithm, also it's the one which the developer is going to fill; I’m trying to make it as professional as possible.

My question is:

I need to represent the Algorithm with illustrations which will be designed by the developer after filling the template. So, can the template be available with a drawing toolbar (something simple, looks like the paint one) to accomplish the illustrations? For example, let’s assume the developer wants to create "Towers of Hanoi" algorithm. After he enters his code, he goes to the drawing toolbar and “drag and drop” the shapes he needs. The linking between the code and the drawing should be my job.Is this possible? And where should I begin?

Any suggestion would be deeply appreciated.

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