



We're using Perforce and Visual Studio. Whenever we create a branch, some projects will not be bound to source control unless we use "Open from Source Control", but other projects work regardless. From my investigations, I know some of the things involved:

In our .csproj files, there are these settings:

  • <SccProjectName>
  • <SccLocalPath>
  • <SccAuxPath>
  • <SccProvider>

Sometimes they are all set to "SAK", sometimes not. It seems things are more likely to work if these say "SAK".

In our .sln file, there are settings for many of the projects:

  • SccLocalPath#
  • SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection#
  • SccProjectUniqueName#

(The # is a number that identifies each project.) SccLocalPath is a path relative to the solution file. Often it is ".", sometimes it is the folder that the project is in, and sometimes it is ".." or "..\..", and it seems to be bad for it to point to a folder above the solution folder. The relativized one is a path from that folder to the project file. It will be missing entirely if SccLocalPath points to the project's folder. If the SccLocalPath has ".." in it, this path might include folder names that are not the same between branches, which I think causes problems.

So, to finally get to the specifics I'd like to know:

  • What happens when you do "Change source control" and bind projects? How does Visual Studio decide what to put in the project and solution files?
  • What happens when you do "Open from source control"?
  • What's this "connection" folder that SccLocalPath and SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection refer to? How does Visual Studio/Perforce pick it?
  • Is there some recommended way to make the source control bindings continue to work even when you create a new branch of the solution?
+1  A: 

I can answer the last one.

In order to get source control bindings to work even when you create a new branch, follow a strict hierarchical structure:


Each file must be in exactly one .vcproj. You can have multiple .vcproj in the same directory, but if they share files, the shared files must go into their own .vcproj.

If you are relentless in this, all the Scc stuff will be relative-path, so a new branch will work (because it only changes the topmost directory).

Thomas L Holaday
None of our projects contains files outside its own folder. It seems that some projects reference assemblies that aren't branched and so reside outside the solution folder. Is this why the "connection" folder is outside the solution folder?
+1  A: 

Very poorly. I know that is not the answer to your questions that you were looking for (in the future, perhaps you could narrow the focus?), but source control integration with Visual Studio just sucks. The reason being that they all have to use Microsoft's terrible SCC interface. It's pathetic! They put source control information in the project files! Why would they do that?

Just abandon the Visual Studio integration and use the Perforce client. It's not that much extra work. You can't spare 30 seconds per day to switch over to the Perforce client and check in/out the files out from there?

I always use the Perforce client for checking in, but it's helpful to be able to check out files from within VS. Even if I were willing to live without VS integration myself, I am not in a position to stop others from using it. Ideally, I would like to make the experience better for everyone.
It **checkouts**, renames, and knowing what new files to add that the intergration is useful for. (Often it is not clear witch VS files are generated and witch need adding to source control.) If Perforce did not force a checkout before an edit then the need to intergration would be much reduced.
Ian Ringrose
+1  A: 

Support for renaming a file or moving it to a new folder directory is terrible and painful if using the Visual Studio P4 plug-in integration. No built-in feature exists that alerts P4 to renaming the file or that it has been moved.

The issue is that renaming a file requires not just updating the associated VS project file but Perforce needs to be informed as well of the change if you want to maintain proper revision history.

Currently, I do not see a way to do both in a single operation if using the VS integration. Instead, you have to:

  1. rename/move the file from within the Perforce client
  2. delete the old filename reference in the project file within VS
  3. add the new filename reference in the project file within VS
  4. submit your changes

If you use a continuous integration build process and you submit changes at any point prior to the last step, you are guaranteed to have a broken build.

The problem magnifies significantly the more files that require renaming or moving. This is not a smooth process whatsoever.

Ray Vega
+22  A: 
Milan Gardian
Great answer, well-researched! In my experiments I've been trying something similar. The primary difference is that I've got "SAK" for all SCC settings in my projects. So long as I've followed step 6 in your solution instructions, it seems happy without MSSCCPRJ.SCC. Anything I should look out for?
I mostly make sure the "Change Source Control" looks something like my last screenshot. If the server and local bindings are the same and all projects get highlighted together, things are working fine.
Milan Gardian
Also, after I have a solution with all projects "properly" bound and submitted in P4, I tend to do a "big-bang check": remove all solution files from workspace (p4 sync //...#none), delete the solution dir, sync to head and open the newly synced solution in Visual Studio.
Milan Gardian
The above "big-bang check" ensures that new team members can join a project and things will "just work" for them after syncing - that's the biggest issue I find - partial bindings that people never notice because "it works on my machine" (it works only because the .suo file already exists).
Milan Gardian
More great advice. I totally agree on the "big-bang check". It saddens me whenever I sync a new branch and find out it doesn't "just work". And even when you have it working, you need to pay attention, because it's easy for anyone to accidentally stomp over the settings with a bad merge.
Actually, I wonder if I could write a script to automate some or all of these steps...
Reading my mind, are you...? ;-)
Milan Gardian
One extremely useful tidbit in your sea of the good info is deleting the `<Name>.suo` file. That has helped me on numerous occasions.
Ray Vega
+4  A: 

Milan's post is well-researched and well-written, but its length demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that the P4SCC model is broken. Storing source control binding info inside the project & solution files is ridiculous. Enforcing (via sccprojectname) that a project be part of only one solution is equally ridiculous.

Additionally, P4SCC has a tremendous performance cost in a large solution, as it retrieves info from source control for each file at startup, and maintains that state in memory throughout the development session. It creates extra cruft in the form of information-free .vsscc & vssscc files to support some SCC feature that (AFAICT) Perforce does not use.

The ideal Perforce integration looks like:

  • If I create a new solution, project, or project item, run 'p4 add'.
  • If I change a file, run 'p4 edit'.
  • Some toolbar/context menu integration for revision history, revision graph, timelapse/blame, and 'show in P4 gui'.
  • (nice to have) If I rename a file that exists in the depot, run 'p4 integrate' and 'p4 delete'. If I rename a file opened for add, run 'p4 revert' and 'p4 add'.
  • That's all

We have moved completely away from P4SCC and its bizarre requirements and burdens. Instead we use NiftyPerforce. There are some bugs, but we find working around these bugs to be much less frustrating than working around the design defects in the Perforce<->VSSCC model.

That sure looks nice. I'll show it to my colleagues. I agree that P4SCC is horribly broken, although I can't help but feel that it must be possible to provide its features (like showing status icons for files) without being *quite* so slow on massive solutions and without all the "source control information in checked-in files" nonsense. I wonder why Perforce don't make a better plugin - surely many of their customers must use Visual Studio?
My understanding is that the cruft and perf issues are endemic to Visual Studio's source control plug-in interface; there exists an architecture mismatch such that P4 has to pretend to act like VSS.From Perforce support in March 2008: "It is unlikely that we would create a non-MSSCCI package for Visual Studio. There are too many interfaces into Visual Studio that would then be missing and would not give the user any benefit in the long run."I don't know if they still stand behind this statement; odds are they do. I also have not tried P4SCC since that time; perf might be better now.