



How can an interface be made for this code:

package com.ejada.alinma.edh.xsdtransform;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

/*import org.apache.log4j.Logger;*/
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;


 * An XSD Transformer that replaces the "name" attribute's value in T24 XSDs
 * with the "shortname" attribute's value
 * @author ahusseiny
public class XSDTransformer {

     * constants representing the XSD tags and attributes' names used in the parse process
    public static final String TAG_SCHEMA = "xsd:schema";
    public static final String TAG_TEXT = "#text";
    public static final String TAG_COMPLEX_TYPE = "xsd:complexType";
    public static final String TAG_SIMPLE_TYPE = "xsd:simpleType";
    public static final String TAG_SEQUENCE = "xsd:sequence";
    public static final String TAG_ATTRIBUTE = "xsd:attribute";
    public static final String TAG_ELEMENT = "xsd:element";
    public static final String TAG_ANNOTATION = "xsd:annotation";
    public static final String TAG_APP_INFO = "xsd:appinfo";
    public static final String TAG_HAS_PROPERTY = "xsd:hasProperty";
    public static final String TAG_RESTRICTION = "xsd:restriction";
    public static final String TAG_MAX_LENGTH = "xsd:maxLength";
    public static final String ATTR_NAME = "name";
    public static final String ATTR_VALUE = "value";
    public static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type";
    public static final String ATTR_MIXED = "mixed";
    public static final String ATTR_USE = "use";
    public static final String ATTR_REF = "ref";
    public static final String ATTR_MAX_OCCURS = "maxOccurs";
     * constants representing specific XSD attributes' values used in the parse process
    public static final String FIELD_TAG = "fieldtag";
    public static final String FIELD_NUMBER = "fieldnumber";
    public static final String FIELD_DATA_TYPE = "fielddatatype";
    public static final String FIELD_FMT = "fieldfmt";
    public static final String FIELD_LEN = "fieldlen";
    public static final String FIELD_INPUT_LEN = "fieldinputlen";
    public static final String FIELD_GROUP_NUMBER = "fieldgroupnumber";
    public static final String FIELD_MV_GROUP_NUMBER = "fieldmvgroupnumber";
    public static final String FIELD_SHORT_NAME = "fieldshortname";
    public static final String FIELD_NAME = "fieldname";
    public static final String FIELD_COLUMN_NAME = "fieldcolumnname";
    public static final String FIELD_GROUP_NAME = "fieldgroupname";
    public static final String FIELD_MV_GROUP_NAME = "fieldmvgroupname";
    public static final String FIELD_JUSTIFICATION = "fieldjustification";
    public static final String FIELD_TYPE = "fieldtype";
    public static final String FIELD_SINGLE_OR_MULTI = "singleormulti";

    public static final String DELIMITER_COLUMN_TYPE = "#";
    public static final String COLUMN_FK_ROW = "FK_ROW";
    public static final String COLUMN_XPK_ROW = "XPK_ROW";
    public static final int SQL_VIEW_MULTI = 1;
    public static final int SQL_VIEW_SINGLE = 2;

    public static final String DATA_TYPE_XSD_NUMERIC = "numeric";
    public static final String DATA_TYPE_XSD_DECIMAL = "decimal";
    public static final String DATA_TYPE_XSD_STRING = "string";
    public static final String DATA_TYPE_XSD_DATE = "date";

     * application configuration properties
    public static final String PROP_LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE = "log4j_config";
    public static final String PROP_MAIN_VIEW_NAME_SINGLE = "view_name_single";
    public static final String PROP_MAIN_VIEW_NAME_MULTI = "view_name_multi";
    public static final String PROP_MAIN_TABLE_NAME = "main_edh_table_name";
    public static final String PROP_SUB_TABLE_PREFIX = "sub_table_prefix";
    public static final String PROP_SOURCE_XSD_FULLNAME = "source_xsd_fullname";
    public static final String PROP_RESULTS_PATH = "results_path";
    public static final String PROP_NEW_XSD_FILENAME = "new_xsd_filename";
    public static final String PROP_CSV_FILENAME = "csv_filename";

     * static holders for application-level utilities
    private static Properties appProps;
    private static Logger appLogger;

    private StringBuffer sqlViewColumnsSingle = null;
    private StringBuffer sqlViewSelectSingle = null;
    private StringBuffer columnsCSV = null;
    private ArrayList<String> singleValueTableColumns = null;
    private HashMap<String, String> multiValueTablesSQL = null;
    private HashMap<Object, HashMap<String, Object>> groupAttrs = null;

    public XSDTransformer(String appConfigPropsPath) {
        if (appProps == null) {
            appProps = new Properties();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * initialization
    private void init(String appConfigPropsPath) throws Exception {
        // init the properties object
        FileReader in = new FileReader(appConfigPropsPath);

        // init the logger
        if ((appProps.getProperty(XSDTransformer.PROP_LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE) != null)
          && (!appProps.getProperty(XSDTransformer.PROP_LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE).equals(""))) {
            if (appLogger == null) {
                appLogger = Logger.getLogger(XSDTransformer.class.getName());
  "Application initialization successful.");

        sqlViewColumnsSingle = new StringBuffer();
        sqlViewSelectSingle = new StringBuffer();
        columnsCSV = new StringBuffer(XSDTransformer.FIELD_TAG + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_NUMBER + ","
          + XSDTransformer.FIELD_DATA_TYPE + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_FMT + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_LEN + ","
          + XSDTransformer.FIELD_INPUT_LEN + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_GROUP_NUMBER + ","
          + XSDTransformer.FIELD_MV_GROUP_NUMBER + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_SHORT_NAME + ","
          + XSDTransformer.FIELD_NAME + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_COLUMN_NAME + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_GROUP_NAME
          + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_MV_GROUP_NAME + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_JUSTIFICATION + ","
          + XSDTransformer.FIELD_TYPE + "," + XSDTransformer.FIELD_SINGLE_OR_MULTI + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
        singleValueTableColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
        singleValueTableColumns.add(XSDTransformer.COLUMN_XPK_ROW + XSDTransformer.DELIMITER_COLUMN_TYPE
          + XSDTransformer.DATA_TYPE_XSD_NUMERIC);
        multiValueTablesSQL = new HashMap<String, String>();
        groupAttrs = new HashMap<Object, HashMap<String, Object>>();

     * initialize the <code>DocumentBuilder</code> and read the XSD file
     * @param docPath
     * @return the <code>Document</code> object representing the read XSD file
    private Document retrieveDoc(String docPath) {
        Document xsdDoc = null;

        File file = new File(docPath);
        try {
            DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
            xsdDoc = builder.parse(file);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return xsdDoc;

     * perform the iteration/modification on the document
     * iterate to the level which contains all the elements (Single-Value, and Groups) and start processing each
     * @param xsdDoc
     * @return
    private Document transformDoc(Document xsdDoc) {
        ArrayList<Object> newElementsList = new ArrayList<Object>();
        HashMap<String, Object> docAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Element sequenceElement = null;
        Element schemaElement = null;

        // get document's root element
        NodeList nodes = xsdDoc.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
            if (XSDTransformer.TAG_SCHEMA.equals(nodes.item(i).getNodeName())) {
                schemaElement = (Element) nodes.item(i);

        // process the document (change single-value elements, collect list of new elements to be added)
        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < schemaElement.getChildNodes().getLength(); i1++) {
            Node childLevel1 = (Node) schemaElement.getChildNodes().item(i1);

            // <ComplexType> element
            if (childLevel1.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_COMPLEX_TYPE)) {

                // first, get the main attributes and put it in the csv file
                for (int i6 = 0; i6 < childLevel1.getChildNodes().getLength(); i6++) {
                    Node child6 = childLevel1.getChildNodes().item(i6);
                    if (XSDTransformer.TAG_ATTRIBUTE.equals(child6.getNodeName())) {
                        if (child6.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME) != null) {
                            String attrName = child6.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME).getNodeValue();
                            if (((Element) child6).getElementsByTagName(XSDTransformer.TAG_SIMPLE_TYPE).getLength() != 0) {
                                Node simpleTypeElement = ((Element) child6).getElementsByTagName(XSDTransformer.TAG_SIMPLE_TYPE)
                                if (((Element) simpleTypeElement).getElementsByTagName(XSDTransformer.TAG_RESTRICTION).getLength() != 0) {
                                    Node restrictionElement = ((Element) simpleTypeElement).getElementsByTagName(
                                    if (((Element) restrictionElement).getElementsByTagName(XSDTransformer.TAG_MAX_LENGTH).getLength() != 0) {
                                        Node maxLengthElement = ((Element) restrictionElement).getElementsByTagName(
                                        HashMap<String, String> elementProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_TAG, attrName);
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_NUMBER, "0");
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_DATA_TYPE, XSDTransformer.DATA_TYPE_XSD_STRING);
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_FMT, "");
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_NAME, attrName);
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_SHORT_NAME, attrName);
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_COLUMN_NAME, attrName);
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_SINGLE_OR_MULTI, "S");
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_LEN, maxLengthElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(
                                        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_INPUT_LEN, maxLengthElement.getAttributes()
                                        // add the attribute as a column in the single-value table
                                        singleValueTableColumns.add(attrName + XSDTransformer.DELIMITER_COLUMN_TYPE
                                          + XSDTransformer.DATA_TYPE_XSD_STRING + XSDTransformer.DELIMITER_COLUMN_TYPE
                                          + maxLengthElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE).getNodeValue());
                                        // add the attribute as a column in the single-values view
                                        sqlViewColumnsSingle.append(System.getProperty("line.separator") + attrName + ", ");
                                        sqlViewSelectSingle.append(System.getProperty("line.separator") + attrName + ", ");

                                        appLogger.debug("added attribute: " + attrName);

                // now, loop on the elements and process them
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < childLevel1.getChildNodes().getLength(); i2++) {
                    Node childLevel2 = (Node) childLevel1.getChildNodes().item(i2);

                    // <Sequence> element
                    if (childLevel2.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_SEQUENCE)) {
                        sequenceElement = (Element) childLevel2;

                        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < childLevel2.getChildNodes().getLength(); i3++) {
                            Node childLevel3 = (Node) childLevel2.getChildNodes().item(i3);

                            // <Element> element
                            if (childLevel3.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_ELEMENT)) {
                                // check if single element or group
                                if (isGroup(childLevel3)) {
                                    processGroup(childLevel3, true, null, docAttrMap, xsdDoc, newElementsList);
                                    // insert a new comment node with the contents of the group tag
                                    sequenceElement.insertBefore(xsdDoc.createComment(serialize(childLevel3)), childLevel3);
                                    // remove the group tag
                                } else {

        // add new elements
        // this step should be after finishing processing the whole document.  when you add new elements to the document
        // while you are working on it, those new elements will be included in the processing.  We don't need that!
        for (int i = 0; i < newElementsList.size(); i++)  {
            sequenceElement.appendChild((Element) newElementsList.get(i));

        // write the new required attributes to the schema element
        Iterator<String> attrIter = docAttrMap.keySet().iterator();
        while(attrIter.hasNext()) {
            Element attr = (Element) docAttrMap.get(;
            Element newAttrElement = xsdDoc.createElement(XSDTransformer.TAG_ATTRIBUTE);

            appLogger.debug("appending attr. [" + attr.getAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME) + "]...");

            newAttrElement.setAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME, attr.getAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME));
            newAttrElement.setAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_TYPE, attr.getAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_TYPE));
        return xsdDoc;

     * check if the <code>element</code> sent is single-value element or group
     * element. the comparison depends on the children of the element. if found one of type
     * <code>ComplexType</code> then it's a group element, and if of type
     * <code>SimpleType</code> then it's a single-value element
     * @param element
     * @return <code>true</code> if the element is a group element,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise
    private boolean isGroup(Node element) {
        for (int i = 0; i < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
            Node child = (Node) element.getChildNodes().item(i);
            if (child.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_COMPLEX_TYPE)) { // found a ComplexType child (Group element)
                return true;
            } else if (child.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_SIMPLE_TYPE)) { // found a SimpleType child (Single-Value element)
                return false;

        return false;
        String attrName = null;
        if (element.getAttributes() != null) {
            Node attribute = element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME);
            if (attribute != null) {
                attrName = attribute.getNodeValue();
        if (attrName.startsWith("g")) { // group element
            return true;
        } else { // single element
            return false;

     * process a group element.  recursively, process groups till no more group elements are found
     * @param element
     * @param isFirstLevelGroup
     * @param attrMap
     * @param docAttrMap
     * @param xsdDoc
     * @param newElementsList
    private void processGroup(Node element, boolean isFirstLevelGroup, Node parentGroup, HashMap<String, Object> docAttrMap,
         Document xsdDoc, ArrayList<Object> newElementsList) {
        String elementName = null;
        HashMap<String, Object> groupAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        HashMap<String, Object> parentGroupAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        if (element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME) != null) {
            elementName = element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME).getNodeValue();
        appLogger.debug("processing group [" + elementName + "]...");

        // get the attributes if a non-first-level-group
        // attributes are: groups's own attributes + parent group's attributes
        if (!isFirstLevelGroup) {
            // get the current element (group) attributes
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); i1++) {
                if (XSDTransformer.TAG_COMPLEX_TYPE.equals(element.getChildNodes().item(i1).getNodeName())) {
                    Node complexTypeNode = element.getChildNodes().item(i1);
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i2++) {
                        if (XSDTransformer.TAG_ATTRIBUTE.equals(complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().item(i2).getNodeName())) {
                            appLogger.debug("add group attr: " + ((Element) complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().item(i2)).getAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME));
                            groupAttrMap.put(((Element) complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().item(i2)).getAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME), complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().item(i2));
                            docAttrMap.put(((Element) complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().item(i2)).getAttribute(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME), complexTypeNode.getChildNodes().item(i2));

            // now, get the parent's attributes
            parentGroupAttrMap = groupAttrs.get(parentGroup);
            if (parentGroupAttrMap != null) {
                Iterator<String> iter = parentGroupAttrMap.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    String attrName =;
                    groupAttrMap.put(attrName, parentGroupAttrMap.get(attrName));

            // put the attributes in the attributes map
            groupAttrs.put(element, groupAttrMap);

        for (int i = 0; i < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
            Node childLevel1 = (Node) element.getChildNodes().item(i);
            if (childLevel1.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_COMPLEX_TYPE)) {
                for (int j = 0; j < childLevel1.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) {
                    Node childLevel2 = (Node) childLevel1.getChildNodes().item(j);
                    if (childLevel2.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_SEQUENCE)) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < childLevel2.getChildNodes().getLength(); k++) {
                            Node childLevel3 = (Node) childLevel2.getChildNodes().item(k);
                            if (childLevel3.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_ELEMENT)) {
                                // check if single element or group
                                if (isGroup(childLevel3)) { // another group element..
                                              // unfortunately, a recursion is
                                              // needed here!!! :-(
                                 processGroup(childLevel3, false, element, docAttrMap, xsdDoc, newElementsList);
                                } else { // reached a single-value element.. copy it under the
                                     // main sequence and apply the name-shorname
                                     // replacement
                                 processGroupElement(childLevel3, element, isFirstLevelGroup, xsdDoc, newElementsList);
        appLogger.debug("finished processing group [" + elementName + "].");

     * process the sent <code>element</code> to extract/modify required
     * information:
     * 1. replace the <code>name</code> attribute with the <code>shortname</code>.
     * @param element
    private void processElement(Node element) {
        String fieldShortName = null;
        String fieldColumnName = null;
        String fieldDataType = null;
        String fieldFormat = null;
        String fieldInputLength = null;
        String elementName = null;
        HashMap<String, String> elementProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();

        if (element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME) != null) {
            elementName = element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME).getNodeValue();
        appLogger.debug("processing element [" + elementName + "]...");

        for (int i = 0; i < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
            Node childLevel1 = (Node) element.getChildNodes().item(i);
            if (childLevel1.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_ANNOTATION)) {
                for (int j = 0; j < childLevel1.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) {
                    Node childLevel2 = (Node) childLevel1.getChildNodes().item(j);
                    if (childLevel2.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_APP_INFO)) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < childLevel2.getChildNodes().getLength(); k++) {
                            Node childLevel3 = (Node) childLevel2.getChildNodes().item(k);
                            if (childLevel3.getNodeName().equals(XSDTransformer.TAG_HAS_PROPERTY)) {
                                if (childLevel3.getAttributes() != null) {
                                    String attrName = null;
                                    Node attribute = childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME);
                                    if (attribute != null) {
                                        attrName = attribute.getNodeValue();
                                        elementProperties.put(attrName, childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE)
                                        if (attrName.equals(XSDTransformer.FIELD_SHORT_NAME)) {
                                            fieldShortName = childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE)
                                        } else if (attrName.equals(XSDTransformer.FIELD_COLUMN_NAME)) {
                                            fieldColumnName = childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE)
                                        } else if (attrName.equals(XSDTransformer.FIELD_DATA_TYPE)) {
                                            fieldDataType = childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE)
                                        } else if (attrName.equals(XSDTransformer.FIELD_FMT)) {
                                            fieldFormat = childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE)
                                        } else if (attrName.equals(XSDTransformer.FIELD_INPUT_LEN)) {
                                            fieldInputLength = childLevel3.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_VALUE)

        if (element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XSDTransformer.ATTR_NAME) != null) {

        sqlViewColumnsSingle.append(System.getProperty("line.separator") + fieldColumnName + ", ");
        sqlViewSelectSingle.append(System.getProperty("line.separator") + fieldShortName + ", ");
        elementProperties.put(XSDTransformer.FIELD_SINGLE_OR_MULTI, "S");
        singleValueTableColumns.add(fieldShortName + XSDTransformer.DELIMITER_COLUMN_TYPE + fieldDataType + fieldFormat
          + XSDTransformer.DELIMITER_COLUMN_TYPE + fieldInputLength);

        appLogger.debug("finished processing element [" + elementName + "].");

     * process the sent <code>element</code> to extract/modify required
     * information:
     * 1. copy the element under the main sequence
     * 2. replace the <code>name</code> attribute with the <code>shortname</code>.
     * 3. add the attributes of the parent groups (if non-first-level-group)
     * @param element
    private void proc
+2  A: 

How can you make interface for this if all the methods are private?

+1  A: 

Determine which methods need to exposed to the world and then make an interface out of it.


I have the need to post internal codes entirely unedited to Stackoverflow, too.

Besides the code snips and looks plain terrible, just adding an interface isn't going to make it any better. static fields shared among instances are always a horror...gah, it's Sunday, I'm not going to start a code review for your send-teh-codez.

Not had your coffee yet?
@John: Can't remember, that was four months ago. You're a bit late here?
You're right, I didn't check the date. The question was on the front page an hour ago. I guess It's I who should go get a cup of coffee.
@John: I do take your remark (to my remark) as valid feedback though. I can imagine I was annoyed because of something when I read this so the downvote is deserved.
I am not the one who downvoted however!
+1  A: 

I'll bite:

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public interface Transformer {

     * initialize the <code>DocumentBuilder</code> and read the XSD file
     * @param docPath
     * @return the <code>Document</code> object representing the read XSD file
    Document retrieveDoc(String docPath);

     * perform the iteration/modification on the document iterate to the level
     * which contains all the elements (Single-Value, and Groups) and start
     * processing each
     * @param xsdDoc
     * @return
    Document transformDoc(Document xsdDoc);


Make retrieveDoc and transformDoc public in your XSDTransformer class

public interface XSDTransformerConstants {

     * constants representing the XSD tags and attributes' names used in the
     * parse process
    String TAG_SCHEMA = "xsd:schema";
    String TAG_TEXT = "#text";
    String TAG_COMPLEX_TYPE = "xsd:complexType";
    String TAG_SIMPLE_TYPE = "xsd:simpleType";
    String TAG_SEQUENCE = "xsd:sequence";
    String TAG_ATTRIBUTE = "xsd:attribute";
    String TAG_ELEMENT = "xsd:element";
    String TAG_ANNOTATION = "xsd:annotation";
    String TAG_APP_INFO = "xsd:appinfo";
    String TAG_HAS_PROPERTY = "xsd:hasProperty";
    String TAG_RESTRICTION = "xsd:restriction";
    String TAG_MAX_LENGTH = "xsd:maxLength";
    String ATTR_NAME = "name";
    String ATTR_VALUE = "value";
    String ATTR_TYPE = "type";
    String ATTR_MIXED = "mixed";
    String ATTR_USE = "use";
    String ATTR_REF = "ref";
    String ATTR_MAX_OCCURS = "maxOccurs";
     * constants representing specific XSD attributes' values used in the parse
     * process
    String FIELD_TAG = "fieldtag";
    String FIELD_NUMBER = "fieldnumber";
    String FIELD_DATA_TYPE = "fielddatatype";
    String FIELD_FMT = "fieldfmt";
    String FIELD_LEN = "fieldlen";
    String FIELD_INPUT_LEN = "fieldinputlen";
    String FIELD_GROUP_NUMBER = "fieldgroupnumber";
    String FIELD_MV_GROUP_NUMBER = "fieldmvgroupnumber";
    String FIELD_SHORT_NAME = "fieldshortname";
    String FIELD_NAME = "fieldname";
    String FIELD_COLUMN_NAME = "fieldcolumnname";
    String FIELD_GROUP_NAME = "fieldgroupname";
    String FIELD_MV_GROUP_NAME = "fieldmvgroupname";
    String FIELD_JUSTIFICATION = "fieldjustification";
    String FIELD_TYPE = "fieldtype";
    String FIELD_SINGLE_OR_MULTI = "singleormulti";
    String COLUMN_FK_ROW = "FK_ROW";
    String COLUMN_XPK_ROW = "XPK_ROW";
    int SQL_VIEW_MULTI = 1;
    int SQL_VIEW_SINGLE = 2;
    String DATA_TYPE_XSD_NUMERIC = "numeric";
    String DATA_TYPE_XSD_DECIMAL = "decimal";
    String DATA_TYPE_XSD_STRING = "string";
    String DATA_TYPE_XSD_DATE = "date";
     * application configuration properties
    String PROP_LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE = "log4j_config";
    String PROP_MAIN_VIEW_NAME_SINGLE = "view_name_single";
    String PROP_MAIN_VIEW_NAME_MULTI = "view_name_multi";
    String PROP_MAIN_TABLE_NAME = "main_edh_table_name";
    String PROP_SUB_TABLE_PREFIX = "sub_table_prefix";
    String PROP_SOURCE_XSD_FULLNAME = "source_xsd_fullname";
    String PROP_RESULTS_PATH = "results_path";
    String PROP_NEW_XSD_FILENAME = "new_xsd_filename";
    String PROP_CSV_FILENAME = "csv_filename";

Classes referring to these constants should now do so via a static reference to XSDTransformerConstants.

Adriaan Koster