I'm trying to select a list of test dlls that contain corresponding config files
I have to use a createItem as the dlls are not available at the time of the script loading
<CreateItem Include="$(AssemblyFolder)\*.Tests.dll"
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestBinariesWithConfig"/>
Is there a condition I can use or is this the wrong approach?
ok, to clarify, I need to construct a xUnit.Net project file. I need to do this because I'm running the tests through the xUnit.Console runner via nCover (don't ask!) but the long and short of it is I can only use a project file. The problem I'm having is when I have a test dll with an associated .config file. Without the config file, the test runner will fail.
This means I need to conditionally add an extra attribute (config-file) in the test project file.
The project template file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- SAMPLE <assembly filename="Tests.dll" shadow-copy="false" config-file="Tests.dll.config" /> -->
<!-- @TARGETS@ -->
The FileUpdate task for the test dlls with no config file.
Regex="<!-- @TARGETS@ -->"
ReplacementText="<!-- @TARGETS@ -->%0D%0A<assembly filename='$(AssemblyFolder)\%(TestBinaries.FileName)%(TestBinaries.Extension)' shadow-copy='false' />"
So I need a way to conditionally add the extra attribute in the FileUpdate task depending on whether there is a corresponding config file for the test dll.