



As detailed here among other places, the only valid characters in a html/css class name is a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen and underscore, and the first character should be a letter. But in practice, what characters are in fact supported by most browsers? More specifically, I wonder what browsers properly understands a slash (/) in a class name, and what browsers support class names starting with a number.

I'm primarily interested in getting an answer for html rather than xhtml, in case there is a difference.

Thank you.


/ and other symbols are used as selectors (especially in CSS3) so can not be used in class names. The supported characters are the ones you already said.

+1  A:

If you look at the grammar you understand that identifiers are defined as

ident       {nmstart}{nmchar}*
nmstart     [a-zA-Z]|{nonascii}|{escape}
nmchar      [a-z0-9-]|{nonascii}|{escape}
nonascii    [^\0-\177]
unicode     \\[0-9a-f]{1,6}[ \n\r\t\f]?

so here's your answer..

(this is for CSS2)

That does not explain what characters or sequences are actually supported. Is `.foo\ bar`, `.\/` or `.\1234` supported?
+1  A: 

Note that class names are defined by HTML, not CSS. HTML4 says the class attribute is a cdata-list, which is space-separated tokens. So a single classname token can contain any character except the whitespace characters.

I wonder what browsers properly understands a slash (/) in a class name, and what browsers support class names starting with a number.

To refer to such names in a CSS class selector you would need to use an escape. eg.:

<div class="1blah/bläh">

is matched by:

.\31 blah\2F bläh { ... }

This is supported by all current browsers. It wasn't supported by IE5, but that's thankfully no longer a concern. (If you had concerns about character encoding mismatches, you might prefer to encode the ä as \E4, but that's not a limitation of CSS as such.)

If you're asking which browsers will let you get away with the invalid selector


Then, well, who cares really? Just use the valid one.

+1 and I would love to give you another one for the last line alone!
Jørn Schou-Rode
Valid class names *are* defined by CSS. But the ones that are also valid in HTML is just a subset of those. Note that CSS is a style sheet language that can be used for any structured language and not just HTML.
Thank you bobince, that solves the problem for me! I originally named this question "What characters are widely supported in HTML class names?" but someone changed "HTML" to "CSS". The important thing for me in this case is to make the HTML readable without risking problems, so this helps a lot. IE5 breaking might not be an issue in this case. Thanks!
Ah, I see. [And yeah, there's essentially no difference in XHTML, FWIW.]