Had this written up for your last question just before it was deleted.
Here are the problems you're having with your GM script.
You're checking absolutely every
text node on the page for some
reason. This isn't causing it to
break but it's unnecessary and slow.
It would be better to look for text
nodes inside .price nodes and .rrp
.strike nodes instead.
When creating new regexp objects in
this way, backslashes must be
escaped, ex:
var searchRE = new
searchRE = new RegExp('\d\d','gi');
So you can add the backslashes, or
create your regex like this:
searchRE = /\d\d/gi;
Your actual regular expression is
only checking for numbers like
##ANYCHARACTER##, and will ignore £5.00 and £128.24
Your replacement needs to be either
a string or a callback function, not
a regular expression object.
Putting it all together
textNodes = document.evaluate(
"//p[contains(@class,'price')]/text() | //p[contains(@class,'rrp')]/span[contains(@class,'strike')]/text()",
var searchRE = /£(\d+\.\d\d)/gi;
var replace = function(str,p1){return "₪" + ( (p1*5.67).toFixed(2) );}
for (var i=0,l=textNodes.snapshotLength;i<l;i++) {
var node = textNodes.snapshotItem(i);
node.data = node.data.replace(searchRE, replace);
- Xpath now includes only p.price and p.rrp span.strke nodes
- Search regular expression created with /regex/ instead of new RegExp
- Search variable now includes target currency symbol
- Replace variable is now a function that replaces the currency symbol with a new symbol, and multiplies the first matched substring with substring * 5.67
- for loop sets a variable to the snapshot length at the beginning of the loop, instead of checking textNodes.snapshotLength at the beginning of every loop.
Hope that helps!
[edit]Some of these points don't apply, as the original question changed a few times, but the final script is relevant, and the points may still be of interest to you for why your script was failing originally.