Yes, that's the intended behaviour.
To associate a label with another control implicitly, the control element must be within the contents of the LABEL element. In this case, the LABEL may only contain one control element. The label itself may be positioned before or after the associated control.
It looks like this doesn't actually work in IE6 (haven't tried other versions). If you already have something like jQuery loading on your page, then you could come up with a workable solution fairly easily:
if ($.browser.msie) {
$('label:has(:input):not([for])').each(function() {
var $t = $(this)
, $in = $t.find(':input')
if (!$in.attr('id')) {
// use this, or make a proper GUID...
$in.attr('id', 'input_' + (Math.random() * 1000000));
$t.attr('for', $in.attr('id'));