i am trying to create a web application that will allow users to upload files online, i am using gwt while using hibernate for database communication, i am able to upload file to a server , and store them on the server. but what i want is to associate the files with a user.
i want the user to be able to create folders and store a file in sub folders. my logic was to use the composite pattern to store folders and fileLocations with a user but i am am finding it difficult to implement this so i can show the files and folders within a gwt tree.
what would be the best way to implement a hierarchy of folders and information of the location of a file so it could be displayed in a gwt tree?
what i did have was a User would hold a reference to a root folder and then each sub folder could hold folders or fileLocations. i used the composite pattern to implement the file hierarchy, but when i want to display a the contents of a folder i need a for loop for each list. so i could a folder within a folder within a folder that would need 3 for loops to show the contents of my folders.
What is the best way to implement this file management system. so what do you guys think?
i would like something like this