Which component is best to use for receiving HTTP requests in Delphi application?
Which component is best to use for receiving HTTP requests in Delphi application?
Indy is the way to go. but you need a server component, not a client one. TIDHTTPServer should fit the bill
Another option which is quite easy to use is the Synapse TCP/IP library. There are some examples available which show the usage of it as a HTTP server.
I've been playing around with HTTP components before, and I've also implemented IInternetProtocol to integrate with Internet Explorer and build ISAPI extensions to integrate with IIS. I've started http://xxm.sourceforge.net/ to open-source this, and combine it with a generic interface, a pre-parser and an auto-compile option, so I could join HTML and Delphi into the same source-files and code websites much like PHP, Cold Fusion and oldskool ASP.