I'm trying to replicate this function from the Allegro graphics library:
void stretch_blit(BITMAP *source, BITMAP *dest, int source_x,
int source_y, int source_width, int source_height,
int dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height);
This is somewhat difficult in Flash, because of the overlapping functionality between the Rectangle and Matrix arguments of AS3's BitmapData.draw() method.
This is what I have so far. It only works most of the time, and is incredibly inefficient (due to having to sample pixels twice).
function stretch_blit(src:BitmapData, dest:BitmapData, source_x:int, source_y:int,
source_width:int, source_height:int, dest_x:int, dest_y:int,
dest_width:int, dest_height:int):void {
var tmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(dest_width, dest_height, true);
var scalex:Number = dest_width/source_width;
var scaley:Number = dest_height/source_height;
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var matrix2:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.scale(scalex, scaley);
matrix.translate(source_x, -source_y);
tmp.draw(src, matrix, null, null, new Rectangle(0, 0, dest_width, dest_height));
matrix2.translate(dest_x-source_x, dest_y-source_y);
dest.draw(tmp, matrix2);
Is there a better way to do this?